The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Global Implementation


The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Global Implementation

The Small Scale Fisheries Guidelines Global Implementation

By Svein Jentoft, Ratana Chuenpagdee, María José Barragán-Paladines and Nicole Franz

The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Global Implementation PDF. In June 2014, FAO member-states endorsed the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF Guidelines). These Guidelines are one of the most significant landmarks for small-scale fisheries around the world. They are comprehensive in terms of topics covered, and progressive, with their foundations based on human rights and other key principles. It can be anticipated that implementing the SSF Guidelines, whether at local, national, or regional levels, will be challenging. This book contains in-depth case studies where authors discuss the extent to which the Guidelines can help improve the realities of small-scale fishing men and women globally and make their livelihoods and communities more secure. This will require policy intervention and innovation, along with contributions of civil society organizations and academia. However, most of all it will necessitate the empowerment of fishing people so that they can become active participants in decision making on matters where their well-being and human rights are at stake. By endorsing the SSF Guidelines, states have committed themselves to support and facilitate this development. This book asks whether states can successfully “walk the talk,” and provides advice as to how they can do so.

  • Presents timely implementation research on a landmark instrument in fisheries governance
  • Identifies implementation challenges and potential stumbling blocks
  • Looks forward and offers creative pathways to implementation
  • Shares lessons and experiences from around the world
Table of Contents

Vision and Ambition

Implementing the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Small-Scale Fisheries

A Human Rights-Based Approach to Securing Small-Scale Fisheries: A Quest for Development as Freedom

The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: A First Account of Developments Since Their Endorsement in 2014

Politics of Transformation

Policy Coherence with the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Analysing Across Scales of Governance in Pacific Small-Scale Fisheries

Tuna or Tasi? Fishing for Policy Coherence in Zanzibar’s Small-Scale Fisheries Sector

Pernicious Harmony: Greenland and the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines

Walking the Talk of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines in Jamaica

Securing Tenure Rights

Expressions of Tenure in South Africa in the Context of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines

Conditions for Governance of Tenure in Lagoon-Based Small-Scale Fisheries, India

Beyond the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Tenure Rights and Informed Consent in Indigenous Fisheries of Nicaragua

Are the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines Sufficient to Halt the Fisheries Decline in Malta?

Strengthening the Resource Base

Laying Foundations for Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management with Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Lessons from Australia and Southeast Asia

Securing Sustainable Sami Small-Scale Fisheries in Norway: Implementing the Guidelines

Protections for Small-Scale Fisheries in India: A Study of India’s Monsoon Fishing Ban

Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Lessons from Japan

Empowerment and Collective Action

Value Chain Challenges in Two Community-Managed Fisheries in Western Madagascar: Insights for the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines

Costa Rica: A Champion of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines

Furthering the Implementation of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Strengthening Fisheries Cooperatives in Sri Lanka

The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines as a Tool for Marine Stewardship: The Case of Cap de Creus Marine Protected Area, Spain

Broadening Participation

Civil Society Contributions to the Implementation of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines in Mexico

Caribbean Fisherfolk Engage the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines

Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Lessons from Brazilian Clam Fisheries

The Step Zero for Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Managing Threats

Addressing Disaster Risks and Climate Change in Coastal Bangladesh: Using the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines

Closing Loopholes with the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Addressing Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in Lake Victoria, Tanzania

Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fisheries in the Hormuz Strait of Iran: How the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines Can Help

The Role of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines in Reclaiming Human Rights for Small-Scale Fishing People in Colombia

Building Capacity

Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines in the Family Islands, Bahamas

Supporting the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines Implementation in Senegal: Alternatives to Top-Down Research

Applying the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines in Nigeria: Status and Strategies for Badagry Coastal and Creek Fisheries

Building Capacity for Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Examples from the Pacific and the Caribbean Small Island Developing States

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