The Laboratory Hamster and Gerbil


The Laboratory Hamster and Gerbil

The Laboratory Hamster And Gerbil

The Laboratory Hamster and Gerbil details basic information and common procedures for individuals performing research with hamsters and gerbils. It includes duties of animal facility management, animal husbandry, regulatory compliance, and technical procedures and assists in the humane care and use of hamsters and gerbils in the laboratory. It provides quick, easy-to-use information for investigators, technicians, and animal caretakers and includes references to alternative procedures and methods. The book also offers possible sources and suppliers of animals, feed, sanitation supplies, cages, and research and veterinary supplies.

  • Assists in the humane care and use of hamsters and gerbils in the laboratory
  • Provides quick, easy-to-use information for investigators, technicians, and animal caretakers
  • Includes references to alternative procedures and methods
  • Offers possible sources and suppliers of animals, feed, sanitation supplies, cages, and research and veterinary supplies

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