Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease 7th Edition


Pathologic Basis Of Veterinary Disease 7Th Edition Pdf DownloadBy James Zachary

Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease, 7th Edition PDF. Use the veterinarian’s #1 reference on general pathology and the pathology of organ systems! Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease 7th Edition helps you understand and diagnose diseases of domestic animals by using the latest scientific and medical research. Focusing on dogs, cats horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs, this reference describes and vividly illustrates and explores the pathogeneses of animal diseases, how cells and tissues respond to injury, and the morphology (lesions) of this injury. New to Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease 7th Edition is basic coverage of tumor, inflammatory, and microbial cytology. Edited by veterinary pathologist James F. Zachary and a team of expert veterinary pathologists, Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease 7th Editionincludes access to an enhanced eBook with every new print purchase, featuring a fully searchable version of the entire text, an image collection, and much more – and available on a variety of devices.

Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease 7th Edition Features:

  • Clear, up-to-date illustrations and explanations of the macroscopic (gross) and microscopic lesions resulting from diseases occurring in domestic animals
  • Complete coverage of both general pathology and the pathology of organ systems that includes the latest research, practice, and diagnostic information on disease mechanisms, pathogenesis, and lesions.
  • Clear explanations of disease mechanisms that describe cell, tissue, and organ system responses to injury and infection.
  • Easy-to-follow organization for each systemic disease chapter including a brief review of the study of diseases that occur in specific tissues, organs, and organ systems, with basic principles related to anatomy, structure, and function, followed by congenital and functional abnormalities and discussions of infectious disease responses, helping students apply principles to veterinary practice.
  • More than 2,100 full-color illustrations featuring color photographs, schematics, flow charts, and diagrammatic representations of disease processes as well as summary tables and boxes, making it easier to understand difficult concepts.
  • Content on cellular and organ system pathology updated throughout the book, with expanded coverage of genetics and disease.
  • Key Readings Index in each chapter with page numbers for key topics.
  • Essential Concept boxes in each General Pathology chapter break down complicated topics that are critical to understanding lesions and pathogeneses.
  • More than 20 recognized experts deliver the most relevant information for the practitioner, student, or individual preparing for the American College of Veterinary Pathologists’ board examination.
  • Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease 7th Edition is included with new print purchase, featuring the complete, fully searchable text plus an image collection; the text, tables, and boxes linked to the website that are cited throughout the book; ten new appendices that focus on veterinary diagnostic pathology, postmortem examination, interpretation of lesions, and more; plus an established appendix of photographic techniques used in veterinary diagnostic pathology.
Table of Contents

Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease 7th Edition Contents

Cover image
Title page
Introduction. Fundamentals for Understanding Veterinary Pathology
Information Fundamental for Effective Use of this Book
In Conclusion
Section I. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Disease
(General Pathology)

Chapter 1. Mechanisms and Morphology of Cellular Injury, Adaptation, and Death

Normal Cell
Causes of Cell Injury
Irreversible Cell Injury and Cell Death
Chronic Cell Injury and Cell Adaptations
Cell Cycle
Cellular Aging
Genetic Basis of Disease

Chapter 2. Vascular Disorders and Thrombosis
Circulatory System
Microcirculation, Interstitium, and Cells
Fluid Distribution and Homeostasis
Abnormal Fluid Distribution
Disorders of Hemostasis: Hemorrhage and Thrombosis
Normal Blood Flow, Distribution, and Perfusion
Alterations in Blood Flow and Perfusion

Chapter 3. Inflammation and Healing
Evolution of the Current Understanding of Inflammation
Beneficial and Harmful Aspects of Inflammation
Acute Inflammation
Substances Inducing the Acute Inflammatory Response
Fluidic (Exudative) Phase of the Acute Inflammatory Response
Cellular Phase of the Acute Inflammatory Response
Additional Regulation of Inflammation
Inflammation and Pain
Effector Cells of the Acute Inflammatory Response
Chemical Mediators of the Acute Inflammatory Response
Reparative Phase of the Acute Inflammatory Response
Nomenclature of the Inflammatory Response (Morphologic
Morphologic Classification of Exudates in Acute Inflammatory
Chronic Inflammation
Beneficial and Harmful Aspects of Chronic Inflammation
Progression of the Acute Inflammatory Response to Chronic
Inflammation, Fibrosis, and Abscess Formation
Gross and Microscopic Lesions and Nomenclature of the
Chronic Inflammatory Response
Effector Cells and Cellular Mechanisms of Chronic Inflammatory
Inflammation and the Sensation of Pain
The Effect of Inflammation on the Febrile Response and Other
Unique Types of Inflammation
Cytologic and Histologic Comparisons of Inflammatory Exudates
Wound Healing and Angiogenesis

Chapter 4. Mechanisms of Microbial Infections
Chronologic Sequence of Steps in Microbial Diseases
Portals of Entry
Target Cells and Substances
Pathways of Spread
Defense Mechanisms
Genetic Resistance of Animals to Infectious Diseases
Bacterial Diseases
Viral Diseases
Fungal Diseases (Mycoses)
Protozoan Diseases
Prion Diseases (Spongiform Encephalopathies)

Chapter 5. Diseases of Immunity
General Features of the Immune System
Innate Immunity (Nonspecific Immunity)
Adaptive Immunity (Specific Immunity)
Disorders of the Immune System

Chapter 6. Neoplasia and Tumor Biology
General Nomenclature
Tumor Characteristics (Essential Concept 6.1)
Neoplastic Transformation (Essential Concept 6.2)
Tumor Microenvironment (Essential Concept 6.3)
Tumor Immunity (see Essential Concept 6.3)
Tumor Dissemination (Essential Concept 6.4)
Systemic Clinical Effects on the Animal (see Essential Concept
Heritable Alterations in Cancer (Essential Concept 6.5)
Molecular Determinants of Cancer
Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis
Cancer in Animals

Section II. Pathology of Organ Systems

Chapter 7. Alimentary System and the Peritoneum, Omentum, Mesentery, and Peritoneal Cavity
Structure and Function
Dysfunction/Responses to Injury
Portals of Entry/Pathways of Spread
Defense Mechanisms/Barrier Systems
Diseases Affecting Multiple Species of Domestic Animalsc,d
Diseases of Horses
Diseases of Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep, and Goats)
Diseases of Pigs
Diseases of Dogs
Diseases of Cats

Chapter 8. Hepatobiliary System and Exocrine Pancreas Liver and Intrahepatic Biliary System
Gallbladder and Extrahepatic Bile Ducts
Exocrine Pancreas

Chapter 9. Respiratory System, Thoracic Cavities, Mediastinum, and Pleurae
Structure and Function
Dysfunction/Responses to Injury
Portals of Entry/Pathways of Spread
Defense Mechanisms/Barrier Systems
Diseases Affecting Multiple Species of Domestic Animals
Diseases of Horses
Diseases of Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep, and Goats)
Diseases of Pigs
Diseases of Dogs
Diseases of Cats

Chapter 10. Cardiovascular System, Pericardial Cavity, and Lymphatic Vessels
Dysfunction/Responses to Injury
Portals of Entry/Pathways of Spread
Defense Mechanisms/Barrier Systems
Diseases Affecting Multiple Species of Domestic Animals
Diseases of Horses
Diseases of Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep, and Goats)
Diseases of Pigs
Diseases of Dogs
Diseases of Cats

Chapter 11. The Urinary System
Lower Urinary Tract

Chapter 12. Endocrine System
Structure and Function
Dysfunction/Responses to Injury
Portals of Entry/Pathways of Spread
Defense Mechanisms/Barrier Systems
Diseases Affecting Multiple Species of Domestic Animals
Diseases of Horses
Diseases of Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep, and Goats)
Diseases of Pigs
Diseases of Dogs
Diseases of Cats
Chapter13. Bone Marrow, Blood Cells, and the Lymphoid/Lymphatic
Bone Marrow and Blood Cells

Chapter 14. Nervous System
The Nervous System
Central Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System

Chapter 15. Skeletal Muscle
Dysfunction/Responses to Injury
Portals of Entry/Pathways of Spread
Defense Mechanisms/Barrier Systems
Diseases Affecting Multiple Species of Domestic Animals
Diseases of Horses
Diseases of Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep, and Goats)
Diseases of Pigs
Diseases of Dogs
Diseases of Cats
Chapter 16. Bones, Joints, Tendons, and Ligaments
Structure and Function
Dysfunction/Responses to Injury
Portals of Entry/Pathways of Spread
Defense Mechanisms/Barrier Systems
Diseases Affecting Multiple Species of Domestic Animals
Diseases of Horses
Diseases of Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep, and Goats)
Diseases of Pigs
Diseases of Dogs
Diseases of Cats

Chapter17. The Integument
Dysfunction/Responses to Injury
Portals of Entry/Pathways of Spread
Defense Mechanisms/Barrier Systems
E-Appendix 17.1. Postmortem Evaluation of the Skin, Claws,
Pawpads, and Hooves
Diseases Affecting Multiple Species of Domestic Animals
Diseases of Horses
Diseases of Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep, and Goats)
Diseases of Pigs
Diseases of Dogs
Diseases of Cats

Chapter 18. Female Reproductive System and Mammae
E-Appendix 18.1 Techniques Used to Examine the Female
Reproductive System and Mammae
Dysfunction/Responses to Injury
Portals of Entry/Pathways of Spread
Defense Mechanisms/Barrier Systems
Diseases Affecting Multiple Species of Domestic Animals
Diseases of Horses
Diseases of Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep, and Goats)
Diseases of Pigs
Diseases of Dogs
Diseases of Cats

Chapter 19. Male Reproductive System
E-Appendix 19.1 Methods for Examining the Male Reproductive
Dysfunction/Responses to Injury
Portals of Entry/Pathways of Spread
Defense Mechanisms/Barrier Systems
Diseases Affecting Multiple Species of Domestic Animals
Diseases of Horses
Diseases of Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep, and Goats)
Diseases of Pigs
Diseases of Dogs
Diseases of Cats

Chapter 20. The Ear
Structure and Function
E-Appendix 20.1. Histologic Evaluation of the Internal Ear
Dysfunction/Responses to Injury
Portals of Entry/Pathways of Spread
Defense Mechanisms/Barrier Systems
Diseases Affecting Multiple Species of Domestic Animals
Diseases of Horses
Diseases of Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep, and Goats)
Diseases of Pigs
Diseases of Dogs
Diseases of Cats

Chapter 21. The Eye
Structure and Function
Dysfunction/Response to Injury
Portals of Entry/Pathways of Spread
Defense Mechanisms/Barrier Systems
E-Appendix 21.1 Postmortem Technique
Diseases Affecting Multiple Species of Domestic Animals
Diseases of Horses
Diseases of Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep, and Goats)
Diseases of Pigs
Diseases of Dogs
Diseases of Cats

Section III: Appendices, Veterinary Diagnostic Pathology
Appendix A. Communication, Collaboration, and Consultation in
Veterinary Pathology
Appendix B. Photographic Techniques in Veterinary Pathology
Appendix C. Postmortem Examination (Autopsy) of Domestic Animal
Appendix D. Recognition and Interpretation of Macroscopic (Gross)
Appendix E. Diagnoses in Veterinary Pathology
Appendix F. General Principles of Tissue Fixation and Processing
Appendix G. Fixatives and Fixation
Appendix H. Fixation and Trimming of the Brain, Spinal Cord, and Nerves
Appendix I. Surgical Biopsies—Procurement, Processing, and Sectioning
Appendix J. Gross Examination and Infusion Fixation of the Lung
Appendix K. Necropsy Techniques by Organ System
Index of Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease 7th Edition.

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