Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits 4th Edition [Fixed]


Pathology Of Laboratory Rodents And Rabbits, 4Th Edition Pdf

By Stephen W. Barthold, Stephen M. Griffey and Dean H. Percy

Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 4th Edition PDF has become a standard text for veterinary pathologists, laboratory animal veterinarians, students, and others interested in these species.

  • The standard reference on the pathogenesis and cardinal diagnostic features of diseases of mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and rabbits
  • Expanded coverage of rabbit disease, normal anatomic features, and biology
  • Over 450 color photographs illustrating gross and microscopic pathology
  • Companion website offering images from the text in PowerPoint
Table of Contents

Preface vii

About the companion website ix

1 Mouse 1

Introduction, 1

Mouse Genetics and Genomics, 2

Nomenclature, 2

Common Inbred Strains, 3

Genomic Considerations for the Pathologist, 4

Anatomic Features, 5

Immunologic Idiosyncracies, 10

Bibliography for Introduction Through Anatomic Features, 11

General References on Diseases of Mice, 12

Infections of Laboratory Mice: Effects on Research, 12

Bibliography for Infections of Laboratory Mice: Effects on Research, 13

DNA Viral Infections, 14

RNA Viral Infections, 23

Retroelements and Retrovirus Infections, 38

Bibliography for Viral Infections, 44

Bacterial Infections, 50

Bibliography for Bacterial Infections, 72

Fungal Infections, 78

Bibliography for Fungal Infections, 81

Parasitic Diseases, 82

Bibliography for Parasitic Diseases, 88

Behavioral Disorders, 89

Bibliography for Behavioral Disorders, 91

Aging, Degenerative, and Miscellaneous Disorders, 91

Bibliography for Aging, Degenerative, and Miscellaneous Disorders, 106

Neoplasms, 108

Bibliography for Neoplasms, 117

2 Rat 119

Introduction, 119

Anatomic Features, 119

Bibliography for Behavioral and Anatomic Features, 121

General References on Diseases of Rats, 121

DNA Viral Infections, 121

RNA Viral Infections, 125

Bibliography for Viral Infections, 130

Bacterial Infections, 132

Fungal Infections, 145

Bibliography for Bacterial and Fungal Infections, 148

Parasitic Diseases, 151

Bibliography for Parasitic Diseases, 154

Age-Related Disorders, 154

Miscellaneous Disorders, 159

Environmental Disorders, 161

Drug-Related Disorders, 162

Bibliography for Age-, Miscellaneous-, Environmental and Drug-Related Disorders, 162

Neoplasms, 164

Bibliography for Neoplasms, 170

3 Hamster 173

Introduction, 173

Anatomic Features, 173

Bibliography for Introduction and Anatomic Features, 174

DNA Viral Infections, 175

RNA Viral Infections, 178

Bibliography for Viral Infections, 179

Bacterial and Fungal Infections, 180

Bibliography for Bacterial and Fungal Infections, 186

Parasitic Diseases, 188

Bibliography for Parasitic Diseases, 192

Nutritional and Metabolic Disorders, 193

Diseases Associated With Aging, 194

Environomental, Genetic, and Other Disorders, 196

Bibliography for Noninfectious Diseases, 197

Neoplasms, 197

Bibliography for Neoplasms, 198

4 Gerbil 199

Introduction, 199

Anatomic Features, 199

Bibliography for Anatomic Features, 200

Viral Infections, 200

Bibliography for Viral Infections, 201

Bacterial Infections, 201

Bibliography for Bacterial Infections, 204

Parasitic Diseases, 204

Bibliography for Parasitic Diseases, 205

Genetic, Metabolic, and Other Disorders, 206

Bibliography for Genetic, Metabolic, and Other Disorders, 209

Neoplasms, 209

Bibliography for Neoplasms, 211

5 Guinea Pig 213

Behavioral, Physiologic, and Anatomic Features, 213

Bibliography for Behavioral, Physiologic, and Anatomic Features, 217

Viral Infections, 218

Bibliography for Viral Infections, 221

Bacterial Infections, 222

Bibliography for Bacterial Infections, 231

Fungal Infections, 234

Bibliography for Fungal Infections, 235

Parasitic Diseases, 235

Bibliography for Parasitic Diseases, 239

Nutritional, Metabolic, and Toxic Disorders, 239

Bibliography for Nutritional, Metabolic, and Toxic Disorders, 244

Miscellaneous Other Disorders, 245

Bibliography for Miscellaneous Disorders, 249

Neoplasms, 250

Bibliography for Neoplasms, 252

6 Rabbit 253

Introduction, 253

Behavioral, Physiologic, and Anatomic Features, 253

Bibliography for Behavioral, Physiologic, and Anatomic Features, 257

DNA Viral Infections, 257

RNA Viral Infections, 264

Bibliography for Viral Infections, 269

Bacterial Infections, 271

Bibliography for Bacterial Infections, 288

Fungal Infections, 292

Bibliography for Fungal Infections, 296

Parasitic Diseases, 297

Bibliography for Parasitic Diseases, 304

Noninfectious Gastrointestinal Disorders, 306

Bibiliography for Noninfectious Gastrointestinal Disorders, 308

Aging and Miscellaneous Disorders, 308

Bibliography for Aging and Miscellaneous Disorders, 312

Nutritional, Metabolic and Toxic Disorders, 313

Bibliography for Nutritional, Metabolic, and Toxic Disorders, 316

Genetic Disorders, 318

Bibliography for Genetic Disorders, 319

Neoplasms, 320

Bibliography for Neoplasms, 323

Index 325

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