Notes on Small Animal Dermatology


Notes On Small Animal Dermatology Pdf

By Judith Joyce

Notes on Small Animal Dermatology PDF book is full of practical advice and information on diagnosing and treating common dermatological problems in small animals. The rapid reference format is designed to help you locate information as quickly as possible. Information on common dermatological complaints is offered in different ways to meet a variety of needs.ย  Firstly a problem-orientated perspective is provided, and then a disease-based perspective looking at what underlying problems cause particular diseases. This is followed by a section that looks at dermatological disease by anatomical location, and a section that outlines different treatments.ย  โ€ขSupplemented with full-colour photographs throughout to aid diagnosis โ€ขDetailed flow-diagrams illustrate the problem-orientated approach โ€ขText is laid out in note form for ease of reference This book is ideal for veterinary students, new practitioners and established professionals who need a quick refresher

Table of Contents


PART ONE The Chairs Role and Career Path

1. In the Trenches

2. Preparing for the Chairs Role

3. Assessing What Kind of Department Chair You Are

4. Serving as an Untenured Department Chair

5. Coexisting with a Former Chair

6. Creating a Career Plan

7. Returning to the Faculty

8. Seeking Higher Administrative Positions

9. A Scenario Analysis on the Chairs Role and Career Path

PART TWO Departmental Management and Politics

10. Understanding Departmental Ethics and Politics

11. Chairing Small Departments

12. Chairing Large Departments

13. Setting Course Rotations and Schedules

14. Making Decisions

15. Setting Annual Themes

16. Creating Departmental Centers for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

17. A Scenario Analysis on Departmental Management and Politics

PART THREE The Chairs Role in Searches, Hiring, and Firing

18. Writing Job Descriptions and Position Announcements

19. Understanding the Chairs Role in the Search Process

20. Interviewing Candidates

21. Letting Someone Go

22. A Scenario Analysis on Hiring and Firing

PART FOUR Mentoring Challenges and Opportunities for Department Chairs

23. Helping Faculty Members Sharpen Their Focus

24. Coaching Faculty Members to Increase Productivity

25. Promoting a More Collegial Department

26. Coping with Passive-Aggressive Behavior

27. Resolving Chronic Complaints

28. Addressing Staff Conflicts

29. Overcoming Conflicts

30. A Scenario Analysis on mentoring Challenges

PART FIVE The Chairs Role in Faculty Development

31. Facilitating a Positive First-Year Faculty Experience

32. Coaching Faculty in Writing Effective Resumes

33. Creating an Effective Professional Development Plan

34. Creating an Effective Teaching Portfolio

35. Creating an Effective Course Syllabus

36. Promoting Creativity in Teaching and Learning

37. A Scenario Analysis on Faculty Development

PART SIX Best Practices in Evaluation and Assessment

38. Creating Written Evaluations

39. Conducting Oral Evaluation Sessions

40. Writing Letters of Recommendation

41. Doing Assessment Effectively

42. Conducting Program Reviews

43. Conducting Posttenure Reviews

44. A Scenario Analysis on Evaluation and Assessment

PART SEVEN Essentials of Budgeting and Planning

45. Strategic Planning

46. Planning a Budget

47. Implementing a Budget

48. Fundraising

49. Accounting for Sponsored Research

50. A Scenario Analysis on Strategic Budgeting and Planning

Epilogue: A Checklist for the Essential Department Chair


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