Horse Genetics, 3rd Edition


Horse Genetics, 3rd Edition

Horse Genetics 3Rd Edition

By Ernest Bailey and Samantha A. Brooks

Horse Genetics, 3rd Edition PDF describes the basic genetics of the horse including coat colour, parentage, medical and population genetics, cytogenetics, performance, breeding systems and genetic conservation, as well as the many recent advances in genomics.

New for the third edition:
โ€“ More information on genomics and biology have been included
โ€“ There are two additional chapters on genetics with respect to infectious diseases and reproduction
โ€“ Expanded sections on quantitative genetics and genomic selection provide comprehensive coverage
โ€“ Many new figures further illustrate key points in the text
โ€“ Redesigned in colour throughout and keeping the popular features of previous editions

This authoritative text remains one of the key sources of information for basic genetic principles and their specific applications to the horse, and is essential for students of equine studies, animal breeding and veterinary science, as well as horse breeders and owners.

Table of Contents

1: Nature of Breeds

2: Evolution and Domestication

3: Equus

4: Fundamentals of Genetics

5: The Language of Genetics

6: Genomics

7: Black, Bay, and Chestnut (Extension and Agouti)

8: Color Diluting Genes

9: Tobiano, White, Sabino and Roan (KIT)

10: Frame Overo and Splashed White

11: Leopard Complex

12: Gray, Brindle, Curly and Tiger Eye

13: Putting it All Together: Color By Design

14: Parentage Testing

15: Blood Groups and Neonatal Isoerythrolysis

16: Medical Genetics

17: Cytogenetics

18: Major Genes, Quantitative Trait Loci and Marker Assisted Selection

19: Complex Traits

20: Pedigrees and Breeding Schemes

21: Microbiome and Mitochondria

22: Where Do We Go From Here?

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