Handbook of General Animal Nutrition


Handbook of General Animal Nutrition

Handbook Of General Animal Nutrition Pdf

By Niranjan P.S., Sanjay Kumar, and Udeybir Singh Chahal

Handbook of General Animal Nutrition PDF is prepared to cater the basic need of animal nutrition as a subject of B.V.Sc. & A.H. IInd year students and those who are preparing for JRF (Junior Research Fellowship) in animal sciences stream and also for CMI services examination of different states. The animal nutrition Paper-I as per Veterinary Council of India (Minimum standards of Veterinary Education Degree) Regulation, 1993 includes two courses i.e. ANN-211 (Principles of Animal Nutrition including avian, credit hr. 2 + 1) and ANN-212 (Evaluation of feed stuffs and feed technology, credit hr. 1 + 1) with equal weightage in internal assessment as well as external assessment of 50 percent each. The theory and practical portion has also equal weightage in internal and external examination with little variation at Institutional level. This book is designed to cover all the material in a concise and course wise format. The objective and subjective questions at the end of each chapter and model test papers at the end of book will help the students for examination point of view. List of various books of Indian and Foreign authors which are thoroughly consulted to prepare this manuscript are also given at the end of this book. These suggested reference books are helpful for detailed study of each and every topic related to the field of animal nutrition.

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