The Value of Fibre: Engaging the Second Brain for Animal Nutrition


The Value of Fibre: Engaging the Second Brain for Animal Nutrition

The Value Of Fibre: Engaging The Second Brain For Animal Nutrition

By G. Gonzรกlez-Ortiz, M.R. Bedford, K.E. Bach Knudsen, C.M. Courtin, H.L. Classen

The Value of Fibre: Engaging the Second Brain for Animal Nutrition PDF. Dietary fibre has been associated with impaired nutrient utilisation and reduced animal performance. A minimum amount of dietary fibre is required to maintain normal physiological functions in the gastrointestinal tract. This book reviews the latest advances in the understanding of dietary fibre for animal nutrition. Fibre clearly has more value than was once thought. This book attempts to define not only the analytical constraints but also the advances in understanding its role in intestinal development and health in both swine and poultry. It identifies how we can exploit fibre to the advantage of the host. Stimulating the gastrointestinal microbiota (often referred to as the second brain) to digest more fibre creates a more favourable environment for intestinal health. This outcome is especially important in antibiotic free diets. The type of fibre employed, the use of exogenous enzymes and the interaction between them, the gastrointestinal microbiota and the host will be covered in detail throughout the chapters. This book discusses the practical application of this research and has been written for all animal scientists, nutritionists, feed producers and anyone interested in exploring new developments in the understanding of dietary fibre.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Introduction to bre

Chapter 1: Fibres making up wheat cell walls in the context of broiler diets

Chapter 2: Variability in cereal grain composition and nutritional value: the importance of bre

Chapter 3: The importance of the bre fraction of the feed in non-ruminant diets

Chapter 4: Fibre โ€“ how and which structures can be modied by enzymes

Chapter 5: Susceptibility of bre to exogenous carbohydrases and impact on performance in swine

Chapter 6: Multi vs single application of enzymes to degrade bre in diets for pigs

Part 2. Fibre digestion and gut function

Chapter 7: The influence of bre on gut physiology and feed intake regulation

Chapter 8: Dietary bre, gut sensing and modulation of feed intake in pigs and chickens

Chapter 9: Facts and thoughts on carbohydrase supplementation effects on amino acid digestibility in broiler chickens

Chapter 10: Beta-glucans and beta-glucanase in animal nutrition, do we understand their full effects?

Chapter 11: Steering broiler intestinal microbiota through nutrition for improved health

Chapter 12: Adaptation of the microbiome towards bre digestion: effects of age and dietary ingredients

Chapter 13: Influence of feed processing on the gastrointestinal tract development and gizzard physiology in broilers

Chapter 14: New strategies influencing gut functionality and animal performance

Part 3. How do we exploit bre to the advantage of the host

Chapter 15: Challenges and constraints in analysis of oligosaccharides and other bre components

Chapter 16: Assessing the complex ecology of intestinal microbiome

Chapter 17: Fibre and bre breakdown products as microbial and immune defence modulators

Chapter 18: Cross-feeding during human colon fermentation

Chapter 19: Nutritional significance of bre in feed formulation and factors that influence bre fermentation

Chapter 20: Enzymes as an alternative to antibiotics: an overview

Chapter 21: Future prospects for non-starch polysaccharide degrading enzymes development in monogastric nutrition

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