BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Rehabilitation, Supportive and Palliative Care: Case Studies in Patient Management


Bsava Manual Of Canine And Feline Rehabilitation, Supportive And Palliative Care: Case Studies In Patient Management
By Samantha Lindley ,ย Penny Watson

Companion animals are undergoing previously uncontemplated treatments and surviving what would once have been rapidly fatal conditions. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Rehabilitation, Supportive and Palliative Care: Case Studies in Patient Management PDF is aimed at the whole veterinary team, drawing on all their skills to help patients achieve as full a function and quality of life as possible after surgery, trauma or disease, and to manage chronic conditions effectively for the benefit of animal, owner and the practice team.

Part One discusses the principles of rehabilitation, supportive and palliative care. The science behind pain and its management, clinical nutrition and physical therapies is explored, and clinical applications reviewed with reference to published evidence of efficacy and/or effectiveness.

In Part Two, this truly innovative Manual presents a collection of Case Studies across a range of canine and feline patients โ€“ from discospondylitis to glaucoma in dogs and from triaditis to leg amputation in cats. The following are considered for every case, with expert assessment from the contributors to Part One of the book:

โ€ข Acute and chronic pain management
โ€ข Fear, stress and conflict concerns
โ€ข Nutritional requirements
โ€ข Physiotherapy
โ€ข Hydrotherapy
โ€ข Acupuncture
โ€ข Nursing and supportive care
โ€ข Owner advice and homecare recommendations.

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