Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures


Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Laboratory Tests And Diagnostic Procedures Pdf
By Shelly L. Vaden, Joyce S. Knoll, Francis W. K. Smith Jr, Larry P. Tilley

Blackwell’s five-minute veterinary consult laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures PDF is a comprehensive, one-stop reference text on diagnostic skills used daily in treating dogs and cats. Chapters cover more than 275 procedures and tests, including blood, urine, and fecal tests and radiographic, ultrasound, and endoscopic procedures. Each topic, written by an expert in the field, provides essential information on related physiology, indications, contraindications, potential complications, and client education. The uniform presentation of information, arranged alphabetically from abdominal radiographs to zinc tests, allows the reader to gain easy access to vital information, making this an ideal reference to be used in a clinical setting.

Table of Contents

Preface xvii

Acknowledgements xviii

Contributors List xix

Standard Abbreviations xxvii

Getting the Most out of Your Diagnostic Laboratory xxviii

General Principles for Performing Blood Tests xxx

General Principles for Performing Fecal Tests xxxii

General Principles for Performing Urine Tests xxxiii

General Principles of Endoscopy xxxv

General Principles of Radiography xxxviii

General Principles of Ultrasonography xii


Abdominal Radiography 2

Abdominal Ultrasonography 8

Abdominocentesis and Fluid Analysis 11

Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody 16

Acetylcholinesterase 18

ACTH Assay 20

ACTH Stimulation Test 22

Activated Clotting Time 24

Acute Phase Proteins 26

Adrenal Ultrasonography 28

Alanine Aminotransferase 32

Albumin 34

Alkaline Phosphatase 36

Allergen-Specific Serology 38

Alpha-1 Protease Inhibitor 40

Ambulatory Electrocardiographic Monitoring 42

Ammonia 45

Amylase 48

Angiography and Angiocardiography 50

Anion Gap 54

Anticoagulant Proteins 56

Anticoagulant Screen 58

Antinuclear Antibody 60

Aqueocentesis and Vitreocentesis 62

Arthrocentesis with Synovial Fluid Analysis 64

Arthroscopy 69

Aspartate Aminotransferase 72

Babesia 74

Bacterial Culture and Sensitivity 76

Barium-Impregnated Polyethylene Spheres (BIPS) 79

Bartonella 82

Bence-Jones Proteins 85

Bicarbonate 88

Bile Acids 91

Bilirubin 94

Bladder Tumor Analyte 96

Bleeding Time 98

Blood Gases 101

Blood Pressure Determination: Noninvasive and Invasive 104

Blood Sample Collection 107

Blood Smear Microscopic Examination 109

Blood Smear Preparation 112

Blood Typing 114

Bone Biopsy 117

Bone Marrow Aspirate and Biopsy 119

Bone Marrow Aspirate Cytology: Microscopic Evaluation 122

Bone Scan 126

Brain-Stem Auditory Evoked Response 129

Brain Ultrasonography 132

Bronchoalveolar Lavage 135

Bronchoscopy 138

Brucellosis Serology 141

Buffy Coat Preparations 144

Calcitriol 146

Calcium 148

Cardiac Catheterization 151

Carnitine 160

Catheter-Assisted Stone Retrieval 164

Central Venous Pressure 166

Cerebrospinal Fluid Tap 168

Chloride 172

Cholesterol 174

Coagulation Factors 176

Cobalamin 179

Colonoscopy 182

Complete Blood Count 185

Computed Tomography 186

Conjunctival Scraping and Cytology 188

Coombs’ Test 190

Cortisol 192

Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio 194

Creatine Kinase 196

Creatinine 198

Crossmatch 200

Cystocentesis 202

Cystometry and Urethral Pressure Measurement 205

Cystourethrography 210

Cystourethroscopy 214

D-Dimer 217

Dental Radiography 220

Dermatophyte Culture 225

Desmopressin Response Test 228

Distemper 231

Echocardiography 234

Ehrlichia/Anaplasma 238

Electrocardiography 241

Electroencephalography 245

Electromyography 248

Electroneurography 251

Electroretinography 254

Epidurography 256

Erythropoietin 258

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy 260

Esophagography 263

Estradiol 266

Ethylene Glycol 268

Excretory Urography 270

Fecal Direct Smear and Cytology 273

Fecal Elastase 276

Fecal Fat 278

Fecal Flotation 280

Fecal Occult Blood 284

Fecal Sedimentation and Baermann Exam 286

Feline Coronavirus 288

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus 291

Feline Leukemia Virus 294

Ferritin 297

Fibrin Degradation Products 300

Fibrinogen 303

Fine-Needle Aspiration 306

Fluid Analysis 308

Fluorescein Dye Test 311

Fluoroscopy 314

Folate 316

Food Trial 318

Fructosamine 320

Gamma-Glutamyltransferase 322

Gastrin 324

Gastrointestinal Ultrasonography 326

Gastroscopic and Colonoscopic Food-Sensitivity Testing 330

Genetic Testing 333

Giardia Fecal Antigen 336

Gingival Sulcus Measurement 338

Globulins 341

Glomerular Filtration Rate 344

Glucose 347

Glucose Curve 350

Glycosylated Hemoglobin 353

Heartworm Serology 356

Heinz Bodies 358

Hematocrit 360

Hemoglobin 363

Hemotrophic Mycoplasmas 366

High-Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Test 368

Horizontal Beam Radiography 370

Immunoglobulin Assays 373

Impression Smear 376

Insulin and Insulin/Glucose Ratio 378

Intradermal Testing 381

Iron Level and Total Iron-Binding Capacity 384

Knott’s Test 386

Lactate 388

Laparoscopy 390

Lead 394

Leptospira 396

Lipase 399

Liver and Gallbladder Ultrasonography 402

Liver Biopsy 407

Low-Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Test 412

Lower Gastrointestinal Radiographic Contrast Studies 414

Lower Urinary Tract Ultrasonography 416

Lupus Erythematosus Cell Preparation 419

Luteinizing Hormone 422

Lyme Disease Serology 424

Lymphangiography 427

Magnesium 430

Magnetic Resonance Imaging 432

Masticatory Muscle Myositis (2M Antibody Assay) 436

Methemoglobin 438

Muscle and Nerve Biopsy 440

Myelography 443

Nasal Flush and Biopsy 446

Nasolacrimal Irrigation 450

Natriuretic Peptides 452

Ocular Ultrasonography 454

Osmolality 457

Osmotic Fragility 460

Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity 462

Pancreatic Ultrasonography 464

Parathyroid Hormone 467

Parathyroid Hormone–Related Protein 470

Partial Thromboplastin Time, Activated 472

Pericardiocentesis 475

Phosphorus 479

PIVKA Test 482

Platelet Antibody Detection 484

Platelet Count and Volume 486

Platelet Function Tests 489

Potassium 492

Progesterone 495

Prostatic Wash 498

Protein Electrophoresis 501

Prothrombin Time 504

Pulmonary Function Tests 506

Pulmonary Perfusion Scan 510

Pulse Oximetry 514

Rectal Scraping and Cytology 516

Red Blood Cell Count 518

Red Blood Cell Enzyme Activity 520

Red Blood Cell Indices 522

Red Blood Cell Morphology 525

Relaxin 530

Renal Biopsy and Aspiration 532

Renal Ultrasonography 536

Reticulocyte Count 535

Rheumatoid Factor 542

Rhinoscopy 544

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever 548

Schirmer Tear Test 550

Semen Analysis 552

Semen Collection 555

Semen Preservation 558

Skeletal Radiography 561

Skin Biopsy 564

Skin Scraping and Trichogram 566

Skin Surface and Otic Cytology 568

Skull Radiography 570

Sodium 573

Somatomedin C 576

Splenic Ultrasonography 578

T3 Suppression Test 582

Taurine 584

Testosterone 588

Thoracic Radiography 590

Thoracic Ultrasonography 596

Thoracocentesis and Fluid Analysis 599

Thoracoscopy 602

Thyroglobulin Autoantibody 606

Thyroid and Parathyroid Ultrasonography 608

Thyroid-Releasing Hormone Response Test 612

Thyroid Scintigraphy 614

Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone 618

Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Stimulation Test 620

Thyroxine (T4), Free 622

Thyroxine (T4), Total 624

Tissue Biopsy: Needle and Punch 627

Tonometry 630

Total Protein 634

Toxoplasmosis Serology 636

Tracheal Wash 639

Transsplenic Portal Scintigraphy 642

Triglycerides 646

Troponins, Cardiac Specific 648

Trypsin-like Immunoreactivity 651

Ultrasound-Guided Mass or Organ Aspiration 654

Upper Gastrointestinal Radiographic Contrast Studies 657

Urea Nitrogen 660

Urethral Catheterization 662

Urinalysis Overview 666

Urine Albumin 668

Urine Bilirubin 671

Urine Fractional Excretion of Electrolytes 674

Urine Gamma-Glutamyltransferase/Creatinine Ratio 677

Urine Glucose 680

Urine Heme Protein 683

Urine Ketones 686

Urine pH 688

Urine Protein 690

Urine Protein/Creatinine Ratio 693

Urine Sediment 696

Urine Specific Gravity 701

Urolith Analysis 704

Uterine Ultrasonography 707

Vaginography 710

Voiding Urohydropropulsion 714

Von Willebrand Factor 716

Water-Deprivation Test, Modified 718

White Blood Cell Count and Differential 721

White Blood Cells: Basophils 724

White Blood Cells: Eosinophils 726

White Blood Cells: Lymphocytes 728

White Blood Cells: Monocytes 730

White Blood Cells: Neutrophils 732

Wood’s Lamp Examination 734

Zinc 736

Appendix 1: Tables of Laboratory Normal Values 739

Appendix 2: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 740

Appendix 3: Referral Laboratories 742

Index 747

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