Biochemistry By C.B. POWAR


Biochemistry By C.B. POWAR

Biochemistry, C.b. PowarBy C. B. Powar and Chatwal G R

Biochemistry By C.B. POWAR Book PDF. he term โ€˜Biochemistryโ€™ (BiosG = life) was first of all introduced by a German chemist called
Carl Neuberg in 1903. It may be defined as, the science which describes, in the language of
chemistry, the structure and functioning of living organisms.
BiocheMistry also means the chemistry of living organisms. Biochemistry includes aspects
of Organic Cllemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Physics, Biology and other basic
disciplines. It is also interrelated with Physiology, Microbiology, Clinical Sciences and Agriculture.

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