Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology


Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology

Poultry Genetics, Breeding And Biotechnology By W. M. Muir And S. E. Aggrey

By W. M. Muir and S. E. Aggrey

Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology PDF book represents the first complete integration of current knowledge in this area. It addresses issues associated with poultry breeding particularly by examining quantitative and molecular genetics and the uses of transgenic technology. A special section covers the important area of disease resistance and transmission.

As a whole, the book provides extensive and detailed information on basically all important topics related to poultry breeding and genetics.

P. Horรญn, ACTA VET. BRNO 2006

โ€ฆa conceptually modern and complete review of the topic.

P. Horรญn, ACTA VET. BRNO 2006

Table of Contents

1: Part I: Problems and Issues associated with Poultry Breeding

2: Industrial Perspective on Problems & Issues Associated with Poultry Breeding, J Arthur, Hy-Line International, Dallas Center, USA & G Albers, Nutreco Agriculture Research & Development, The Netherlands

3: Growth & Reproduction Problems Associated with Selection for Increased Broiler Meat Production, E Ducuypere, V Bruggeman, Catholic Uni Leuven, G Barbato, Pennsylvania Uni,& J Buyse, Catholic Uni Leuven,

4: Skeletal Problems Associated with Selection for Increased Production, C Whitehead, R Fleming, Bone Biology Group, Roslin Institute, R Julian, Ontario Veterinary College & P Sรธrensen, DIAS

5: Meat Quality Problems Associated with Selection for Increased Production, H Remignon, ENSAT, France and E Le Bihan-Duval, Station de Recherches Avicoles, INRA Centre de Tours, France

6: Behaviour Problems Associated with Selection for Increased Production, J B Kjaer, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Tjele, Denmark and J A Mench, University of California, USA

7: Problems with Genotype-Environment Interactions Associated with Selection for Increased Production, P K Mathur, Canadian Center for Swine Improvement Inc, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

8: Part II: Breeding Strategies and Objectives

9: Breeding Objectives and Selection Strategies for Layer Production, A E Groen, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

10: Breeding Objectives and Selection Strategies for Broiler Production, D Emmerson, Aviagens, AL, USA

11: Use of Mixed Model Methodology in Breeding Strategies for Meat Type Birds,

12: B Besbes, Hubbard-ISA (Layer Division), Chateaubourg, France and V Ducrocq, Station de Genetique Quantitative et Appliquee, INRA, France

13: Application of Mixed Model Methodology in Breeding Strategies for Meat Type Birds, S Wezyk, Krowoderskich Zuchow, Poland and J Jankowski, University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland

14: Use of Mixed Model Methodology in Poultry Breeding: Estimation of Genetic Parameters, T Szwaczkowski, August Cieszkowski Agricultural University of Poznan, Poland

15: Use of Mixed Model Methodology in Poultry Breeding: Assumptions, limitations, and concerns of BLUP based selection programs, M Quinton, University of Guelph, Canada

16: Direct Selection for Improvement of Animal Well-Being, J Faure, Station de Recherches Avicoles, INRA Centre de Tours, France, W Bessei, Universitat Hohenheim, Germany & R Jones, Roslin Institute, Edinburgh

17: Indirect Selection for Improvement of Animal Well-Being, W M Muir

18: Genetic Diversity and Conservation of Poultry, M E Delany, University of California, USA

19: Part III: Disease Resistance and Transmission

20: Progress and Prospects in Resistance to Disease, U Kuhnlein, McGill University, Canada, S E Aggrey and A Zadworny, McGill University, Canada

21: Genetics of the Immune System, J Plachy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, P Kaiser, Institute of Animal Health, Compton Lab & K Hala, Institute of Pathophysiology, University of Innsbruck Medical School

22: Genetic Resistance and Transmission of Avian Bacteria and Viruses, N Bumstead, Institute of Animal Health, Compton Laboratory, Berkshire, UK

23: Genetic Resistance and Transmission of Avian Parasites, M-H Pinard van der Laan, Laboratoire de Genetique Factorille, INRA, France, H S Lillehoj and James J Zhu, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, USA

24: Selection for Disease Resistance: Conventional Breeding for Resistance to Bacteria and Viruses, C Beaumont, Station de Recherches Avicoles, G Dambrine, A Chausse, INRA & D Flock, Akazienweg,

25: Selection for Disease Resistance: Molecular Genetic Techniques, H H Cheng, USDA-ARS, Avian Diseases and Oncology Lab, MI, USA

26: Selection for Disease Resistance: Direct Selection on the Immune Response, S Lamont, Iowa Uni, M Pinard-van der Laan, A Cahaner, Hebrew Uni Jerusalem, J van der Poel & H Parmentier, Wageningen Uni

27: Part IV: The Use of Genomics and Bioinformatics in Poultry

28: Genetic Markers: Prospects and Applications in Genetic Analysis, S E Aggrey and R Okimoto, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA

29: Designs and Methods to Detect QTL for Production Traits based on Mapped Genetic Markers, J A M Van Arendonk, and H Bovenhuis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

30: Designs and Methods to Detect QTL for Production Traits based on Random Genetic Models, Yi Nengjun and S Xu, University of California, Riverside, USA

31: Structural Genomics: Integrating Linkage, Physical and Sequence Maps, M A M Groenen and R P M A Crooijmans, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

32: Incorporating Molecular Information in Breeding Programs: Methodology, R Fernando and L R Totir, Iowa State University, Ames, USA

33: Incorporating Molecular Information in Breeding Programs: Applications and Limitations, W M Muir

34: Comparative Genomics, D W Burt, Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, UK

35: Functional Genomics: Development and Gene Regulation, J Killefer, University of Illinois, Urbana, USA and H Kocamis, College of Agriculture, Morgantown, WV, USA

36: Expressed Sequence Tags, DNA Chip Technology and Gene Expression Profiling, L A Cogburn, R Morgan and J Burnside, University of Delaware, Newark, USA

37: DNA Polymorphisms in Functional Genes, U Kuhnlein, McGill University, Quebec, Canada, S E Aggrey, N Kansaku, Azabu University, Sagamihara, Japan and D Zadworny, McGill University, Quebec, Canada

38: Strategies for the Production of Transgenic Chickens, J N Petitte, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA

39: The Future of Molecular Genetics in Poultry Breeding, J Dodgson, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA

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