1: Part I: Problems and Issues associated with Poultry Breeding
2: Industrial Perspective on Problems & Issues Associated with Poultry Breeding, J Arthur, Hy-Line International, Dallas Center, USA & G Albers, Nutreco Agriculture Research & Development, The Netherlands
3: Growth & Reproduction Problems Associated with Selection for Increased Broiler Meat Production, E Ducuypere, V Bruggeman, Catholic Uni Leuven, G Barbato, Pennsylvania Uni,& J Buyse, Catholic Uni Leuven,
4: Skeletal Problems Associated with Selection for Increased Production, C Whitehead, R Fleming, Bone Biology Group, Roslin Institute, R Julian, Ontario Veterinary College & P Sรธrensen, DIAS
5: Meat Quality Problems Associated with Selection for Increased Production, H Remignon, ENSAT, France and E Le Bihan-Duval, Station de Recherches Avicoles, INRA Centre de Tours, France
6: Behaviour Problems Associated with Selection for Increased Production, J B Kjaer, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Tjele, Denmark and J A Mench, University of California, USA
7: Problems with Genotype-Environment Interactions Associated with Selection for Increased Production, P K Mathur, Canadian Center for Swine Improvement Inc, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
8: Part II: Breeding Strategies and Objectives
9: Breeding Objectives and Selection Strategies for Layer Production, A E Groen, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
10: Breeding Objectives and Selection Strategies for Broiler Production, D Emmerson, Aviagens, AL, USA
11: Use of Mixed Model Methodology in Breeding Strategies for Meat Type Birds,
12: B Besbes, Hubbard-ISA (Layer Division), Chateaubourg, France and V Ducrocq, Station de Genetique Quantitative et Appliquee, INRA, France
13: Application of Mixed Model Methodology in Breeding Strategies for Meat Type Birds, S Wezyk, Krowoderskich Zuchow, Poland and J Jankowski, University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland
14: Use of Mixed Model Methodology in Poultry Breeding: Estimation of Genetic Parameters, T Szwaczkowski, August Cieszkowski Agricultural University of Poznan, Poland
15: Use of Mixed Model Methodology in Poultry Breeding: Assumptions, limitations, and concerns of BLUP based selection programs, M Quinton, University of Guelph, Canada
16: Direct Selection for Improvement of Animal Well-Being, J Faure, Station de Recherches Avicoles, INRA Centre de Tours, France, W Bessei, Universitat Hohenheim, Germany & R Jones, Roslin Institute, Edinburgh
17: Indirect Selection for Improvement of Animal Well-Being, W M Muir
18: Genetic Diversity and Conservation of Poultry, M E Delany, University of California, USA
19: Part III: Disease Resistance and Transmission
20: Progress and Prospects in Resistance to Disease, U Kuhnlein, McGill University, Canada, S E Aggrey and A Zadworny, McGill University, Canada
21: Genetics of the Immune System, J Plachy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, P Kaiser, Institute of Animal Health, Compton Lab & K Hala, Institute of Pathophysiology, University of Innsbruck Medical School
22: Genetic Resistance and Transmission of Avian Bacteria and Viruses, N Bumstead, Institute of Animal Health, Compton Laboratory, Berkshire, UK
23: Genetic Resistance and Transmission of Avian Parasites, M-H Pinard van der Laan, Laboratoire de Genetique Factorille, INRA, France, H S Lillehoj and James J Zhu, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, USA
24: Selection for Disease Resistance: Conventional Breeding for Resistance to Bacteria and Viruses, C Beaumont, Station de Recherches Avicoles, G Dambrine, A Chausse, INRA & D Flock, Akazienweg,
25: Selection for Disease Resistance: Molecular Genetic Techniques, H H Cheng, USDA-ARS, Avian Diseases and Oncology Lab, MI, USA
26: Selection for Disease Resistance: Direct Selection on the Immune Response, S Lamont, Iowa Uni, M Pinard-van der Laan, A Cahaner, Hebrew Uni Jerusalem, J van der Poel & H Parmentier, Wageningen Uni
27: Part IV: The Use of Genomics and Bioinformatics in Poultry
28: Genetic Markers: Prospects and Applications in Genetic Analysis, S E Aggrey and R Okimoto, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA
29: Designs and Methods to Detect QTL for Production Traits based on Mapped Genetic Markers, J A M Van Arendonk, and H Bovenhuis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
30: Designs and Methods to Detect QTL for Production Traits based on Random Genetic Models, Yi Nengjun and S Xu, University of California, Riverside, USA
31: Structural Genomics: Integrating Linkage, Physical and Sequence Maps, M A M Groenen and R P M A Crooijmans, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
32: Incorporating Molecular Information in Breeding Programs: Methodology, R Fernando and L R Totir, Iowa State University, Ames, USA
33: Incorporating Molecular Information in Breeding Programs: Applications and Limitations, W M Muir
34: Comparative Genomics, D W Burt, Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, UK
35: Functional Genomics: Development and Gene Regulation, J Killefer, University of Illinois, Urbana, USA and H Kocamis, College of Agriculture, Morgantown, WV, USA
36: Expressed Sequence Tags, DNA Chip Technology and Gene Expression Profiling, L A Cogburn, R Morgan and J Burnside, University of Delaware, Newark, USA
37: DNA Polymorphisms in Functional Genes, U Kuhnlein, McGill University, Quebec, Canada, S E Aggrey, N Kansaku, Azabu University, Sagamihara, Japan and D Zadworny, McGill University, Quebec, Canada
38: Strategies for the Production of Transgenic Chickens, J N Petitte, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA
39: The Future of Molecular Genetics in Poultry Breeding, J Dodgson, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA