Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Domestic Animals 6th Edition [3 Volumes]


Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Domestic Animals, Volume I, Head and Neck, 6th Edition

Atlas Of Topographical Anatomy Of The Domestic Animals Voulme I Head And Neck 6Th Edition

By Peter Popesko

Table of Contents:

  1. Bovine Anatomy
  2. Sheep Anatomy
  3. Goat Anatomy
  4. Swine Anatomy
  5. Horse Anatomy
  6. Dog Anatomy
  7. Cat Anatomy
  8. Rabbit Anatomy

Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Domestic Animals, Volume II, Trunk, 6th Edition

Atlas Of Topographical Anatomy Of The Domestic Animals Volume Ii Trunk 6Th Edition

Table of Contents:

  1. Bovine Anatomy
  2. Sheep Anatomy
  3. Goat Anatomy
  4. Swine Anatomy
  5. Horse Anatomy
  6. Dog Anatomy
  7. Cat Anatomy
  8. Rabbit Anatomy

Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Domestic Animals, Volume III, Pelvis and Limbs, 6th Edition

Atlas Of Topographical Anatomy Of The Domestic Animals Volume Iii Pelvis And Limbs 6Th Edition

Table of Contents:

  1. Bovine Anatomy
  2. Sheep Anatomy
  3. Goat Anatomy
  4. Swine Anatomy
  5. Horse Anatomy
  6. Dog Anatomy
  7. Cat Anatomy
  8. Rabbit Anatomy

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