Animal Physiology: From Genes to Organisms 2nd Edition


Animal Physiology: From Genes to Organisms 2nd Edition

Animal Physiology: From Genes To Organisms 2Nd Edition By Auralee Sherwood, Hillar Klandorf And Paul Yancey

By auralee Sherwood, Hillar Klandorf and Paul Yancey

Keep up with todayโ€™s rapid advances in the biological sciences with Animal Physiology: From Genes to Organisms 2nd Edition PDF with Course Mate! With coverage of animal species that will be relevant to your animal-related career, this biology text provides you with the tools you need to succeed. Boxes found throughout the text such as Molecular Biology and Genomics, Beyond the Basics, Challenges and Controversies, Unanswered Questions, and A Closer Look at Adaptation give you examples of cutting-edge research and help you see how what you are learning applies to the real world. Check Your Understanding questions after each major section help you review the main ideas as you read. Each chapter then ends with a Chapter Summary, a set of Review, Synthesize, and Analyze questions, and a list of Suggested Readings for further study.

Read more: Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Textbook 4th Edition

Table of Contents

Section I: Foundations

Ch 1: Homeostasis and Integration: The Foundations of Physiology

Ch 2: Cellular and Molecular Physiology

Ch 3: Membrane Physiology

Ch 4: Neuronal Physiology

Section II: Whole-Body Regulation and Integration

Ch 5: Nervous Systems

Ch 6: Sensory Physiology

Ch 7: Endocrine Systems

Section III: Support and Movement

Ch 8: Muscle Physiology

Section IV: Self-Maintenance

Ch 9: Circulatory Systems

Ch 10: Defense Systems

Ch 11: Respiratory Systems

Ch 12: Excretory Systems

Ch 13: Fluid and Acid-Base Balance

Ch 14: Digestive Systems

Ch 15: Energy Balance and Thermal Physiology

Section V: Reproduction

Ch 16: Reproductive Systems



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