A Dissection Guide and Atlas to the Fetal Pig 3rd Edition
By David G. Smith and Michael P. Schenk
A Dissection Guide and Atlas to the Fetal Pig PDF is designed to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the anatomy of the fetal pig. This full-color dissection guide and atlas gives the student carefully worded directions for learning basic mammalian anatomy through the use of a fetal pig specimen. Great care has gone into the preparation of accurate and informative illustrations and the presentation of quality color photographs and photomicrographs. The text is clearly written, and dissection instructions are set apart from the text to assist the student in the lab. Each chapter begins with a list of objectives, and tables are utilized to conveniently summarize key information. To facilitate ease of use in the laboratory setting, student versions of this title are three-hole drilled and in loose-leaf format.
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