Emergency Care for Birds: A Guide for Veterinary Professionals


Emergency Care For Birds: A Guide For Veterinary ProfessionalsBy Rob van Zon

Emergency Care for Birds: A Guide for Veterinary Professionals PDF. Due to their often small size and unique physical characteristics, birds can deteriorate rapidly in the event of illness and injury. Timely intervention in the event of clinical signs is therefore essential for an optimal prognosis. Authored by avian veterinarian Rob van Zon, this concise, practical guide will help veterinary professionals to provide first aid and emergency care for birds, as well as to instruct clients on providing basic first aid when they are unable to get to the clinic.

Emergency Care for Birds: A Guide for Veterinary Professionals includes instructions for veterinary professionals on stabilizing sick avian patients and management of many specific emergency situations at the veterinary clinic. This includes guidance for those presented with a moribund, critically ill patient i.e., recognizing and treating hypothermia, hypoxia, hypovolemia and hypoglycemia. The book also lists of alarming signs of disease and toxic plants, and includes clinical procedures, an emergency drug formulary, and bandaging techniques. Finally, Emergency Care for Birds: A Guide for Veterinary Professionals offers guidance to veterinarians giving advice to bird owners for first aid at home.

About Author

About Author

Having been interested in birds throughout his whole youth, Rob van Zon started studying veterinary medicine at the University of Utrecht to turn his passion into his job. After graduating in 2005, Rob worked as avian veterinarian in veterinary practices in Amsterdam and Utrecht and in avian wildlife centers in the Netherlands. In addition to treating thousands of birds in his own clinics, Rob tries to help as many birds as possible indirectly by teaching other veterinarians, students and bird owners.

Table of Contents

Emergency Care for Birds: A Guide for Veterinary Professionals Table of Contents

  1. Clinical signs of disease
  2. Signs of disease requiring immediate attention by a veterinary professional
  3. Observation, physical examination and diagnostic tests
  4. General stabilization of sick birds
  5. Heat
  6. Fluid therapy
  7. Nutritional support
  8. Oxygen
  9. Analgesia and anesthesia
  10. Quick guide for stabilizing birds in case of severe dyspnea, debilitation and shock
  11. Leg band constriction
  12. Bleeding pin feather
  13. Hyperthermia
  14. Bleeding nail or beak tip
  15. Perforating (bite) trauma of the beak
  16. Lacerations and cuts
  17. Bite wound or deep wound caused by claws
  18. Self-mutilation
  19. Burn injuries
  20. Contact with rodent or insect glue
  21. Oiled birds
  22. Intoxications
  23. Concussion
  24. Cloacal prolapse
  25. Vomiting
  26. Crop stasis
  27. Seizures
  28. Egg binding / Dystocia
  29. Dyspnea
  30. Falling, abnormal stances and abnormal movements
  31. Paralysis
  32. Abnormal eye or closed eyelids (inability or unwillingness to open the eye)
  33. Abnormal position of limbs. Fractures and luxations
  34. Maxillary hyperextension/palatine bone luxation
  35. Abnormal droppings
  36. Damaged air sac

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