Atlas of Canine and Feline Urinalysis


Atlas Of Canine And Feline Urinalysis Pdf

By Theresa E. Rizzi, Amy C. Valenciano, Mary Bowles, Rick L. Cowell, Ronald Tyler and Dennis B. DeNicola

Atlas of Canine and Feline Urinalysis PDF offers an image-based reference for performing canine and feline urinalyses, with hundreds of full-color images depicting techniques, physical characteristics, urine chemistry, and microscopic characteristics of urine sediment in dogs and cats.

  • Presents hundreds of full-color images for reference and picture-matching while using urinalysis as a diagnostic tool
  • Provides a complete guide to properly performing a urinalysis exam in the veterinary practice
  • Emphasizes collection techniques, physical assessment, urine chemistry, and the microscopic sediment exam
  • Covers casts, crystals, cells, organisms, and artefacts
  • Offers a practical, visual resource for incorporating urinalysis into the clinic
Table of Contents

Section I: Sample Collection and Handling

  • Collection methods: Free Catch, Transurethral Catheterization, Cystocentesis
  • Urine Sample Handling and Culture

Section II: Urine Physical Characteristics

  • Volume, Color, Clarity/Turbidity, Odor, Specific Gravity

Section III: Urine Chemistry

  • pH, Protein, Glucose, Ketones, Blood, Bilirubin

Section IV: Urine Sediment

  • Preparation for Microscopic Examination
  • Casts (Hyaline, Cellular, Granular, Waxy, Fatty, Hemoglobin, Mixed, Pseudo)
  • Crystals associated with urolith formation (Struvite, Calcium oxalate, Calcium phosphate, Urate, Uric Acid, Cystine, etc.)
  • Cells (Transitional, Squamous, Renal Tubular Epithelial, Leukocytes, Erythrocytes, Atypical)
  • Organisms (Bacteria, Fungal Hyphae, Yeast, Dioctophyma renale Ova, Capillaria Ova, Microfilaria)
  • Miscellaneous findings and artifacts (Pollen, Fungal spores, Mucus, Lipid Droplets, Sperm, Air Bubbles, Starch Granules, Fiber)

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