Mycobacterium bovis Infection in Animals and Humans 2nd Edition


Mycobacterium Bovis Infection in Animals and Humans 2nd Edition

Mycobacterium Bovis Infection In Animals And Humans 2Nd Edition Pdf By Charles O. Thoen , James H. Steele , Michael J. Gilsdorf

By Charles O. Thoen , James H. Steele , Michael J. Gilsdorf

Mycobacterium bovis Infection in Animals and Humans 2nd Edition PDF is Written by tuberculosis specialists from around the world, Mycobacterium Bovis Infection in Animals and Humans, Second Edition remains the most comprehensive collection of timely information regarding Mycobacterium bovis in any single source.

The chapters are organized for quick access to well-indexed topics, and extensive reference lists are included to aid infectious disease specialists, regulatory officials, diagnosticians, researchers or public health workers interested in M bovis.

This international reference includes the most current information on mechanisms of virulence of tubercle bacilli and immunologic and biochemical responses of the host involved in resistance. The book includes information on the diagnosis and application of the latest molecular techniques in epidemiologic investigations. Included are chapters on the economic impact of outbreaks of M. bovis in alternate species on control programs in domestic animals. There are also contributions by representatives of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, PAHO of the World Health Organization, The Centers for Disease Control, and The University of Texas Health Center.

This excellent reference is an invaluable aid to clinicians dealing directly with tuberculosis, as well as to government regulatory personnel, professional and graduate students, and instructors in basic and allied health sciences.

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Table of Contents



1 Introduction.

2 Public Health Significance of M. Bovis.

3 Human TB due to M. bovis in Latin America and the Carribean.

4 Pathogenesis.

5 Epidemiology.

6 Diagnosis Tests for Bovine Tuberculosis.

7 Molecular Techniques: Applications in Epidemiologic Studies.

8 PCR Detection of M. Tuberculosis Complex in Formalin Fixed Tissues.

9 Economics of Bovine Tuberculosis.

10 A Tuberculosis Outbreak in Farmed Deer in Sweden and its Economic Consequences.

11 Benefit and Cost Assessment of the U. S. Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Program.

12 The Fall and Rise of Bovine Tuberculosis in Great Britain.

13 Economic Significance of Bovine Tuberculosis in Italy and Impact of Mycobacterium Bovis Infection in Wild Swine.

14 The Impact of Wildlife Reservoirs on M. bovis on Programs for the Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle in Ireland.

15 Control and Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis in Central Europe.

16 Bovine Tuberculosis in Latin American and the Carribean.

17 The Status of Mycobacterium Bovis in India.

18 Bovine Tuberculosis in Russia and the Former States of the Soviet Union.

19 Mycobacterium Bovis in Africa.

20 Current Challenges and Impacts to the U.S. National Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Program.

21 Impact of Bovine Tuberculosis in Wildlife on a National Eradication Program (Canada).

22 The Bovine Tuerculosis Program in South Africa.

23 Bovine Tuberculosis in China.

24 Mycobacterium Bovis infections in Cattles in Germany.

25 Tuberculosis in Captive Wild Animals.

26 Tuberculosis in Fur Seals and Sea Lions Caused by Mycobacterium pinnipedii.

27 Tuberculosis in Non-human Primates.

28 DNA Vaccines Against Tuberculosis.

29 Bovine Tuberculosis: Environmental Public Health Preparedness Considerations for the Future.


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