Lecture Notes Clinical Biochemistry, 8th Edition


Lecture Notes Clinical Biochemistry 8th Edition

Lecture Notes Clinical Biochemistry 8Th Edition

By Geoffrey Beckett, Simon W. Walker, Peter Rae, Peter Ashby

Lecture Notes Clinical Biochemistry 8th Edition PDF is a concise introduction to clinical biochemistry that presents the fundamental science underpinning common biochemical investigations used in clinical practice.

Lecture Notes Clinical Biochemistry 8th Edition PDF allows the reader to make efficient and informed use of the diagnostic services offered by their clinical biochemistry department. The result is a text that serves as a reference to the practitioner as well as the student. This Book takes a system-based approach, with the underlying physiological rationale for any test explained in the context of disruption by disease. This leads naturally to an integrated and practical understanding of biochemical diagnostics.

Including multiple choice questions (MCQs) alongside end-of-chapter case studies to help develop test-selection skills,ย Lecture Notes: Clinical Biochemistryย provides the essential background to biochemical investigations and is an ideal course companion and revision guide for medical students, junior doctors on the Foundation Programme, general practitioners, and nurses and laboratory technicians.

Table of Contents


List of abbreviations.

1 Requesting and interpreting tests.

2 Disturbances of water, sodium and potassium balance.

3 Acid-base balance and oxygen transport.

4 Renal disease.

5 Disorders of calcium, phosphate and magnesium metabolism.

6 Diabetes mellitus and hypoglycaemia.

7 Disorders of the hypothalamus and pituitary.

8 Abnormalities of thyroid function.

9 Disorders of the adrenal cortex and medulla.

10 Investigation of gonadal function infertility, menstrual irregularities and hirsuitism.

11 Pregnancy and antenatal screening.

12 Cardiovascular disorders.

13 Liver disease.

14 Gastrointestinal tract disease.

15 Nutrition.

16 Trauma, inflammation, immunity and malignancy.

17 Disorders of iron and porphyrin metabolism.

18 Uric acid, gout and purine metabolism.

19 Central nervous system and cerebrospinal fluid.

20 Therapeutic drug monitoring and chemical toxicology.

21 Clinical biochemistry in paediatrics and geriatrics Self-assessment MCQs.

Answers to MCQs.

Appendix: Reference ranges โ€“ SI units and โ€˜conventionalโ€™ units.


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