Handbook of Veterinary Neurology 5th Edition
By Michael D. Lorenz, Joan Coates, Marc Kent
Handbook of Veterinary Neurology provides quick access to vital information on neurologic conditions in a wide range of species, including canine, feline, bovine, caprine, equine, ovine, and porcine. A problem-oriented approach makes it easy to diagnose and treat neurologic problems in small and large animals. The coverage of disorders by problem, not by established disease diagnosis, emulates how animals present to the veterinary hospital and simplifies the formulation of a correct diagnosis. Within each chapter, discussions of neurologic disease include a review of the localization criteria and the diseases that can cause that problem, plus treatment and surgical techniques. Lead author Michael D. Lorenz brings decades of experience to neurologic assessment, using a diagnostic approach that requires minimal knowledge of neuroanatomy.
- A problem-based approachย is organized by presenting sign rather than by condition, guiding you to logical conclusions regarding diagnosis and treatment.
- Algorithmsย diagram the logic necessary to localize lesions and to formulate diagnostic plans.
- Coverage of current diagnostic techniquesย includes the use of diagnostic tools, such as radiology, spinal fluid analysis, electrodiagnosis, and MR imaging.
- Case histories in each chapterย present a problem and the results of the neurologic examination, then askย you to solve the problem by localizing the lesion, listing probable causes, and making a diagnostic plan. Answers are provided at the back of the book.
- A consistent format for each case historyย includes signalment, history, physical examination findings, and neurologic examination.
- A comprehensive appendixย describes species and breeds that have a congenital predisposition for particular neurologic diseases.
- Extensive referencesย make it easy to pursue in-depth research of more advanced topics.
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