Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Neurology


Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Neurology
Saunders Solutions In Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Neurology Pdf

By Susan N. Fitzmaurice

Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice PDF consists of a series of practical handbooks on selected medical topics on specific veterinary problems. Case-based, this series is aimed at the small animal veterinary practitioner who has qualified less than 10 years and needs quick access to information and wants to increase his/her confidence on handling that range of cases that cover the spectrum that lies between the simple routine first-opinion case and the referral.
Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice provides additional knowledge that leads to improved skills and practice for veterinary practitioners. Not only practitioners, but also veterinary students nearing the end of their course will find this series very useful to brush up their knowledge in a particular area. The volumes are also written with the veterinary nurse in mind with a particular interest in a specific topic, using โ€˜Nurse Boxesโ€™ in the text to guide them to the specific information they need.

  • New approach: clinical cases offering examination, treatment options, clinical tips relevant for the general small animal veterinary practitioner โ€“ all case descriptions based on common template
  • Offers synoptic, easy accessible and essential information.

Read more: Small Animal Neurology: An Illustrated Text PDF

Table of Contents

The Neurological Case

1.Taking a history

2.The neurological examination

3.Localizing lesions

Alteration in Mental State

4. Alteration in mental state โ€“ an introduction

5. Head trauma

6. Metabolic encephalopathy:insulinoma

7. Metabolic encephalopathy: hepatic encephalopathy

8. Metabolic encephalopathy: osmolality

9. Granulomatous meningoencephalitis

Behaviour Change

10. Behaviour change โ€“ an introduction

11. Loss of house-training

12. Defecation: faecal incontinence

13. Psychological

14. Intracranial arachnoid cyst

15. Aggression


16. Seizures โ€“ an introduction

17. Skull tumor

18. Meningioma

19. Cerebral haemorrhage

20. Hydrocephalus

21. Idiopathic epilepsy

22. Post-ictal behaviour change

Cranial Nerve Function

23. Blindness

24. The control of pupil diameter

25. Alteration in pupil function

26. Secretions

27. Alteration of eyelid position and movement

28. Hornerโ€™s syndrome

29. Idiopathic facial paralysis

30. Dropped jaw

31. Middle ear disease

32. Otogenic intracranial infection

33. Deafness

34. Sneezing

35. Coughing

36. Change in voice and swallowing


37. Gait โ€“ an introduction

38. UMN: spinal empyema

39. UMN: spinal cord infarction

40. UMN: vertebral malformation

41. UMN: invertebral disc disease

42. UMN: spinal fracture

43. LMN paresis and paralysis โ€“ an introduction

44. LMN paresis and paralysis: acquired myasthenia gravis

45. LMN paresis and paralysis: brachial plexus avulsion

46. LMN paresis and paralysis: flaccid tail

47. Ataxia: spinal ataxia

48. Ataxia: cerebellar ataxia

49. Ataxia: vestibular ataxia


50. Lameness โ€“ an introduction

51. Lameness: nerve root compression

52. Lameness: nerve root tumors

53. Lameness ischaemia


54. Posture โ€“ an introduction

55. Torticollis

56. Collapse


57. Balance โ€“ an introduction

58. Loss of balance

59. Truncal ataxia

60. Ventroflexion of the neck


61. Muscle tone โ€“ an introduction

62. Tremor

63. Tetanus

64. Hypocalcaemia

65. Trismus

66. Bilateral atrophy of the masticatory muscles

67. Unilateral atrophy of the masticatory muscle


68. Pain โ€“ an introduction

69. Neck pain

70. Meningitis of large breed dogs

71. Retroperitoneal disease

72. Scratching

Urinary Incontinence

73. Urinary incontinence โ€“ an introduction

74. No attempt to urinate

75. Leaks, dribbles urine

Appendices MCQs MCQ โ€“ Answers

Appendix 1. Abbreviations

Appendix 2. cererospinal fluid and the ventricular system

Appendix 3. Collection of CSF

Appendix 4. CSF analysis

Appendix 5. Imaging the nervouse system

Appendix 6. Neuropathology

Appendix 7. Referral of a patient

Further reading Index

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