Exotic Animal Care and Management, 1st Edition


Exotic Animal Care and Management, 1st Edition

Exotic Animal Care And Management, 1St Edition By Vicki Judah And Kathy Nuttall

By Vicki Judah and Kathy Nuttall

Exotic Animal Care and Management PDF provides students with a comprehensive and unique learning experience, focusing entirely on exotic animal care, and husbandry. This text book addresses behavior, habitat, husbandry and diet for each species, recognizing that the majority of medical problems in keeping exotics are due to a lack of species-specific information. Common diseases for each species are discussed at length, from the perspective of providing nursing care, and recognizing signs of health problems. This comprehensive text also covers essential information for anyone working with exotics in a clinical setting including: injection sites, administration of medication, anesthesia, restraint and handling. The companion student workbook provides actual case studies and study questions directly related to the text.

Read more: Surgery of Exotic Animals

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