Exotic Animal Care and Management, 2nd Edition


Exotic Animal Care and Management, 2nd Edition

Exotic Animal Care And Management 2Nd Edition Pdf

By Vicki Judah and, Kathy Nuttall

Exotic Animal Care and Management 2nd Edition PDF delves into the unique behaviors, diet, housing considerations, handling and restraint methods, medical concerns and clinical procedures related to the proper management of these animals. Reader-friendly and concise, each chapter covers a specific exotic animal commonly found in veterinary practice, including small mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, intervtebrates, alpacas and llamas, miniature pigs and backyard chickens. Also included is an overview of specific concerns and zoonotic diseases associated with exotic animals so that you are fully prepared to contribute to their care and treatment.

  • Covers the latest practices and procedures in the care and treatment of these animals.
  • Comprehensive coverage of medical procedures presented in a concise manner ensures that students obtain the knowledge they need to properly care for exotic animals as veterinary technicians.
  • Sidebar notes and tips are featured throughout the chapters, providing further information, practical advice, and highlighting current trends.
  • โ€œFast Factsโ€ at the end of each species-specific chapter summarizes animal statistics, offering a critical review and reference tool for students.
  • Case Studies and accompanying questions place students in the position of veterinary technician, requiring them to think critically about a specific patient presentation and the possible treatment plan.
  • A new chapter on backyard chickens addresses the ever-changing pet population and ensures students are knowledgable about various animals seen in veterinary practice.
  • Expanded information related to medical concerns and clinical procedures properly prepares students for the evaluation and treatment of exotic species.
  • Case Studies and critical-thinking questions accompany each species-specific chapter to encourage students to apply key concepts in the context of realistic animal-patient presentations.
  • Engaging new design combined with new photos and illustrations ehance and support the key concepts presented in the chapters.
  • A secure Instructor Companion site features Lesson Plans, PowerPointยฎ presentations, testing powered by Cognero, and an Image Gallery to assist in preparation for classroom instruction and evaluation.

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