Erythrocytes of the Rhesus and Cynomolgus Monkeys


Erythrocytes of the Rhesus and Cynomolgus Monkeys

Erythrocytes Of The Rhesus And Cynomolgus Monkeys

By Chester A. Glomski, Alessandra Pica and Jessica F. Greene

Erythrocytes of the Rhesus and Cynomolgus Monkeys PDF addresses the morphologic, quantitative, and generative aspects of the erythrocytes of the rhesus monkeyย Macaca mulattaย and the cynomolgus monkeyย Macaca fascicularisย (long-tailed macaque, crab-eating monkey). These two species are the most commonly selected nonhuman primates for basic science and clinical medical investigations.

The hemopoietic cells of man and the rhesus monkey display an intimate homogeneity. Their functional activities are close and at times identical. The cynomolgus monkey was enlisted in biomedical studies at a time when rhesus monkeys were not available in sufficient quantities. It has gained increased use in the Far East and in the Western world. It is, for example, employed in the current development of a vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus.

The authors of the book discuss the erythropoietic profiles of normal and abnormal macaques of both sexes and of all age groups as investigated with contemporary electronic methodologies. They cover the role of stress as it is perceived by the monkey and how it impacts erythrocellular values, and how to train the monkey to be a cooperative, unperturbed subject for hematologic study. Additional topics include the role of medication in deriving normal physiologic erythrocellular data, the development of the precursors of the erythrocyte (normoblasts), the morphologic analysis of the megaloblastic series of abnormal erythroid cells, the analysis of erythropoiesis in bone marrow, the relationship of the simian immunodeficiency virus and erythropoiesis, erythrocyte life span, and parasitic invasion of the red cell.

Table of Contents

Pursuit of the Baseline, Steady State Hemograms of Macaca mulattaย andย Macaca fascicularis.

Stress and the Erythrogram.

Ketamine: Its Use in Obtaining Erythroid Values of Blood.

Training Rhesus Monkeys to Voluntarily Cooperate in Obtaining Phlebotomies.

Modern Hematology.

Bone Marrow: Erythropoiesis.

Bone Marrow: Erythrogram.

Erythrocyte Life Span.

Blood Volume.


Megaloblastic Anemia.

Erythrocyte-Based Values and Gender Relationships.

Erythrocyte Indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC).

Erythrogram: Variability Associated with Age.

Effects of Fasting on the Erythrogram ofย Macaca fascicularis.

Erythrogram of Infantย Macaca mulatta.

Erythroid Profile of Fetalย Macaca fascicularis.

Erythrogram of Infantย Macaca fascicularis.

Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV): Its Relationship with Erythropoiesis inย Macaca mulatta.

Erythroid Profile of Pregnantย Macaca mulatta.

Erythroid Profile of Pregnantย Macaca fascicularis.

Erythrocytes and the Menstrual Cycle.



Osmotic Fragility.

ABO Blood Group System.

Table 1: Alphabetical Index of Investigatorsโ€™ Reports Listed in Table 1.

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