Equine Tendon in Health and Disease


Equine Tendon in Health and Disease

Equine Tendon In Health And Disease Pdf

By Henry Jann

Equine Tendon in Health and Disease Book is designed to provide information on all aspects of clinical management of tendon problems in horses. The chapters cover the spectrum of understanding structure and function, diagnostic modalities, treatment options, rehabilitation strategies, aetiology of injury, and prevention of tendon injury. All authors have vast clinical experience and are among the most qualified in their respective areas of expertise. It is the editorโ€™s goal to provide the reader with a state of the art resource that will aid in dealing with tendon problems. This includes diagnosing and treating the acute injury to assessment of healing and formulating a rehabilitation strategy. All of these aspects are important if an optimal outcome is to be achieved because treating tendon injuries is not a simple exercise. Each injury is unique and each horse is unique. No one treatment or rehabilitation strategy can be universally applied. All injuries must be carefully diagnosed and monitored throughout the rehabilitation process. This book is a guide for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of tendon injuries that is practical, reliable, and easily understood. It will hopefully allow veterinarians to deal with tendon injuries with more confidence and a higher quality of post injury return to function.

Read more: Clinical Anatomy of the Horse

Table of Contents
  1. Tendon structure and function
  2. Imaging
  3. Treatment of acute soft tissue injuries
  4. Stem cell therapy
  5. Surgical techniques for equine tendons and ligaments
  6. Therapeutic repair of damaged tendons and suspensories: conservative and surgical therapeutic options
  7. Profiling, physical conditioning, and prevention of tendon injuries
  8. Equine rehabilitation

File Size 11.5 MB
File Format Pdf
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