Equine Exercise Physiology: The Science of Exercise in the Athletic Horse


Equine Exercise Physiology: The Science of Exercise in the Athletic Horse

Equine Exercise Physiology: The Science Of Exercise In The Athletic Horse Pdf

By Kenneth W. Hinchcliff, Raymond J. Geor and Andris J. Kaneps

Equine Exercise Physiology: The Science of Exercise in the Athletic Horse PDF provides the most up-to-date, in-depth coverage of the basic sciences required for an understanding of the physiology of the equine athlete. Equine Exercise Physiology: The Science of Exercise in the Athletic Horse Pdf book provides a thorough grounding in the basic physiology of each body system and in particular the responses of each body system to exercise and training. It is the ideal resource for those interested in equine exercise physiology: undergraduate and post-graduate students in exercise science, comparative physiology, biology and veterinary science; veterinary students; horse trainers and owners of sport horses; journalists writing in equine specialty magazines; and interested lay persons.

  • Topics include: the musculoskeletal system and physiology; tendon, ligament and joint physiology; the biomechanics of locomotion; respiratory, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems; metabolism and nutritional management; thermoregulation; hematology and immunology
  • Written by the top experts currently working in the area of equine exercise physiology
  • Designed for those seeking comprehensive information in a digestible format about the basic science of equine exercise physiology, rather than the clinical aspects
  • Over 250 high quality illustrations that amplify and illustrate important points
  • Information available in a readily accessible format.

Read more: Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery 3rd Edition

Table of Contents

Section 1: Integrative physiology and exercise testing

1. Integrative physiology of exercise

2. Laboratory assessment of fitness NEW!

3. Exercise testing in the field

Section 2: Musculoskeletal system

4. Muscle physiology: responses to exercise

5. Skeletal physiology: responses to exercise

6. Tendon physiology: responses to exercise and training

7. Joint physiology: responses to exercise and training

8. Biomechanics of locomotion in the athletic horse

Section 3: Respiratory System

9. Upper airway function of normal horses during exercise

10. Lower airway function of normal horses: responses to training and exercise

Section 4: Cardiovascular System

11. Heart and vessels: functions during exercise and response to training

Section 5: Metabolism and Nutrition

12. Metabolic responses to exercise and training

13. Endocrine responses to exercise and training

14. Nutrition

Section 6: Fluids and electrolytes

15. Physiology of body fluids in the equine athlete

16. Acid-base physiology during exercise and in response to training

17. Thermoregulation NEW!

Section 7: Hematology and Immunology

18. Hematologic responses to exercise and training

19. Immunological responses to exercise and training

Section 8: Gastrointestinal

20. Effects of exercise and training on hepatic and gastrointestinal function

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