Equine Breeding Management and Artificial Insemination 2nd Edition


Equine Breeding Management and Artificial Insemination 2nd Edition

Equine Breeding Management And Artificial Insemination 2Nd Edition Pdf

By Juan Samper

Equine Breeding Management and Artificial Insemination 2nd Edition PDF. Put the principles of good breeding management into practice with Equine Breeding Management and Artificial Insemination, 2nd Edition for reproductive success! Practical information on the reproductive management of both thoroughbred and warmblood breeding operations prepares you to effectively breed even problem mares and stallions. Plus, detailed content on techniques, procedures, reproductive physiology, and more help you increase reproductive efficiency as well as track and improve your results throughout each breeding season.

  • A section on reproduction efficiency evaluation includes a worksheet to evaluate the performance of both mares and stallions during each breeding season, and helps you compare reproductive performance with previous breeding seasons.
  • Detailed descriptions of procedures and techniques including embryo transfer, artificial insemination, and more enable you to implement the methods for better breeding results.
  • Practical information on reproductive management of both thoroughbred and warmblood breeding operations enhance the fertility of problem mares and stallions.
  • World-renowned authors and contributors with years of practical knowledge and experience provide cutting-edge information.
Table of Contents

1. Anatomy and Physical Examination of the Stallion

2. Endocrinology of the Stallion

3. Semen Collection

4. Stallion Behavior

5. Sperm Physiology

6. Semen Evaluation

7. Breeding Management of the Thoroughbred Stallion (Shuttle)

8. Breeding Management of the Warmblood Stallion

9. Hormonal Manipulation of the Mare

10. Microbiology and Diseases of Semen

11. Anatomy and Physiology of the Mare

12. Uterine Edema of the Mare

13. Breeding Management of the Mare

14. Artificial Insemination With Cooled Semen

15. Artificial Insemination With Frozen Semen

16. Embryo Transfer

17. Preservation of Equine Embryos

18. Assisted Reproductive Techniques in the Mare

19. The Early Pregnancy

20. Evaluation of the Foal In-Utero

21. Infectious Problems in the Last Trimester of Pregnancy

22. Parturition and Evaluation of the Placenta

23. The New Born Foal

24. Breeding the Post-partum Mare

25. Preventive Medicine of the Brood Mare

26. Evaluation of Reproductive Efficiency

27. Significance of the Equine Genome on the Horse Industry

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