Deja Review, Microbiology and Immunology, 3rd Edition


Deja Review, Microbiology and Immunology, 3rd Edition

Deja Review, Microbiology And Immunology, 3Rd Edition Pdf

By Eric Chen and Sanjay Kasturi

Deja Review, Microbiology and Immunology, 3rd Edition PDF. This high-yield, rapid-fire Q&A book simulates flashcards in a book to help you review microbiology and immunology for your course exams as well as prepare for the USMLE Step 1. The convenient two-column โ€œflashcardโ€ Q&A format reinforces familiar material, while accelerating mastery of commonly tested topics. Youโ€™ll efficiently absorb a large amount of pertinent information and streamline study time by focusing only on the correct answers. Ideal for studying when time is limited, Deja Review: Microbiology and Immunology lets you review in a way that helps you cover a lot of questions in a short period of time.

  • Ideal, two-column flashcard-like format helps you review a large amount of questions when time is limited
  • Active recall, high yield questions help you understand, not just memorize, the content
  • Clinical vignettes at the end of each chapter prepare you for coursework and board exams
  • Portable size for convenient study on the goโ€•fits in your white coat pocket
  • Array of useful mnemonics for maximizing your retention of the content

Read more: Lippincottโ€™s Illustrated Q&A Review of Microbiology and Immunology

Table of Contents
I. Basic bacteriologyย 
General principles (structure, genetics, growth)
Classification and characteristics of medically important bacteria and normal flora
Pathogenesis and host defense
Laboratory diagnostics
Antimicrobial drugs and vaccines
II. Clinical bacteriologyย 
Gram positive cocci
Gram positive rods
Gram negative cocci (Neisseria)
Gram negative rods (Enterics)
Gram negative rods (Respiratory)
Gram negative rods (Zoonotic)
Myobacteria (Tuberculosis, leprosy)
Actinomyces, nocardia, mycoplasma
Chlamydia, rickettsia, & miscellaneous obligate intracellular organisms
Minor bacterial pathogens (Ehrlichia/Anaplasma, Moraxella, haemophilus ducreyi)
III. Basic virologyย 
General principles (Structure, replication)
Classifiation and characteristics of medically important viruses
Pathogenesis and host defense (Interferons, nonspecific and specific immunity)
Viral drugs and vaccines
IV. Clinical virologyย 
Hepatitis viruses
Paramyxovirus and orthomyxvirus
Arboviruses (Toga, Flavi, Bunya)
Remaining DNA viruses
Remaining RNA viruses
V. Mycologyย 
General principles of Mycology
Cutaneous and subcutaneous mycoses
Systemic mycoses
Opportunistic mycoses
Antifungal mycoses
Antifungal drugs
VI. Parasitology :
VII. Immunologyย 
Cells and signals of the immune system
Major histocompatibility complex
Innate immunity
Antibodies and complement
Humoral immunity
Cell-mediated immunity
Tolerance and autoimmunity
Laboratory use of antibodies
VIII. Systems based microbiologyย 
Cardiovascular system
Respiratory system
Gastrointestinal system
Genitourinary system
Ears, eyes, and nervous system
Musculoskeletal system

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