Crustaceans Physiological Characteristics, Evolution, and Conservation Strategies


Crustaceans Physiological Characteristics, Evolution, and Conservation Strategies

Crustaceans Physiological Characteristics Evolution And Conservation Strategies

By Victor Alvarado

Crustaceans Physiological Characteristics, Evolution, and Conservation Strategies PDF. Crustaceans are key organisms in aquatic ecosystems. Today crustaceans of Ponto-Caspian origin have become important faunal constituents in many European water bodies, including the Baltic Sea. In this book, Chapter One reviews the causes, consequences and prospects of Pont-Caspian crustaceans in the Baltic Sea. Chapter Two examines the physiological causes and ecological implications of extra and โ€œintermediateโ€ larval stages in decapod crustacean life. Chapter Three discusses a comparative study of liposoluble vitamin effects in decapod crustaceans. The final chapter is a commentary on the possible management and conservation strategies of crustaceans from temperate sandy beaches.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Ponto-Caspian Crustaceans in the Baltic Sea: Causes, Consequences, Prospects

Chapter 2. Extra and โ€œIntermediateโ€ Larval Stages in Decapod Crustacea: A Review of Physiological Causes and Ecological Implications, with Emphasis on Lobsters, Homarus spp.

Chapter 3. A Comparative Study of Liposoluble Vitamin Effects in Decapod Crustacean with Emphasis in Argentine Shrimp Species

Chapter 4. Crustaceans from Temperate Sandy Beaches: A Possible Route for Management and Conservation Strategies


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