Cardiology of the Horse 2nd Edition


Cardiology of the Horse 2nd Edition

Cardiology Of The Horse 2Nd Edition Pdf

By Celia Marr and Mark Bowen

Cardiology of the Horse 2nd Edition PDF is a multi-author, contemporary reference on equine cardiology. The first section reviews the physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology of the equine cardiovascular system. The second section describes diagnostic methods from basic to specialist examination skills and the third section addresses the investigation and management of common clinical problems using a problem-orientated approach. Suitable for students, general and specialist practitioners and teachers.

An up-to-date account of current clinical practice in equine cardiology covering:

  • recent developments in research and practice
  • problem-orientated approaches helpful to both general and specialist practitioners
  • clinical management of specific groups from foals and racehorses to geriatric patients
  • cardiac problems related to exercise, anaesthesia and intensive care

Read more: ECG Interpretation in Equine Practice

Table of Contents


1. Introduction to cardiac anatomy and physiology

2. Neuroendocrine Control of Cardiovascular Function: Physiology and Pharmacology

3. Cardiac responses to exercise and training

4. Cardiac Disease & Pathology

5. Pathophysiology of heart failure

6. Electrophysiology and arrhythmiogenesis

7. Pharmacology of drugs used to treat cardiovascular disease


8. Auscultation

9. Echocardiography

10. Ambulatory Electrocardiography & Heart rate variability

11. Exercise & Stress Testing

12. Biochemical Markers of cardiovascular disease


13. Dysrhythmias: assessment and medical management

14. Arrhythmias: pacing and electro cardioversion

15. Cardiac Murmurs: Congenital Heart Disease

16. Cardiac Murmurs: Valvular regurgitation and insufficiency

17. Fever: endocarditis and pericarditis

18. Collapse and Syncope

19. Heart Failure

20. Cardiovascular emergencies associated with anaesthesia

21. Cardiovascular complications in the Intensive Care Patient

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