BSAVA Manual of Backyard Poultry Medicine and Surgery


BSAVA Manual of Backyard Poultry Medicine and Surgery

Bsava Manual Of Backyard Poultry Medicine And Surgery

By Guy Poland and Aidan Raftery

BSAVA Manual of Backyard Poultry Medicine and Surgery PDF provide good quality information to help veterinarians provide the level of care to backyard birds that clients expect and deserve. There has been a resurgence in the number of people keeping backyard poultry and they will often be seen as much loved pets. When a backyard bird becomes ill, therefore, their owner expects access to caring and competent veterinary care, often with an expectation that such care should meet the standard on offer to their dog or cat. The manual covers chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, ornamental pheasants and peafowl.

Table of Contents

1- Origins and types of poultry

2- Anatomy and physiology

3- Behaviour

4- Husbandry

5- Nutrition

6- Handling, transportation and hospitalization

7- Preventive healthcare

8- Clinical examination and emergency treatment

9- Clinical techniques

10- Clinical pathology

11- Imaging techniques

12- Endoscopy, biopsy and endosurgery

13- Disorders of the integument

14- Ophthalmological and otic disorders

15- Respiratory disorders

16- Gastrointestinal disorders

17- Reproductive and laying disorders

18- Neurological and musculoskeletal disordersBehavioural disorders

19- Behavioural disorders

20- Nutritional disorders

21- Systemic, haematological and circulatory disorders

22- Anaesthesia and analgesia

23- Soft tissue surgery

24- Orthopaedic surgery

25- Post-mortem examination

26- Legal issues


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