A Practical Manual of Veterinary Andrology and Reproductive Techniques


A Practical Manual of Veterinary Andrology and Reproductive Techniques

A Practical Manual Of Veterinary Andrology And Reproductive Techniques

This book, to be called in strict sense, is a practical manual, to cater to the needs of Veterinary community. This manual is based on the revised and current VCI Syllabus meeting the norms of MSVE Guidelines 2008. This particular volume of the series covers the course, Veterinary Andrology & Reproductive Techniques, VGO-511. The revised guidelines were enforced recently, and ever since, the old laboratory manuals which were available by the respective colleges became outdated. Hence, there was no manual available in the market according to the latest and revised syllabus. Hence a need was felt by us to come out with a book, unique in its class, first of its kind in the field of Veterinary Andrology & Reproductive Techniques in India, which will cater to the needs of the undergraduate students studying in different colleges of India, as now a uniform syllabus pattern is observed by Veterinary Council of India. Hence, this Volume three of the three manual series covering the three undergraduate courses in Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics Department, will serve as a guide for the Practical portion of VGO-511 course. At the end of each topic, we have given student exercises, which had to be completed after completion of practical and submitted to the concerned course teacher. Besides this, this manual would also serve as ready reckoner for Practising Veterinarians or Academicians, as it has all the details of the andrological and advanced reproductive technologies, which are of immense value. Therefore, we feel very happy to introduce before you โ€œA Practical Manual of Veterinary Andrology & Reproductive Techniquesโ€

Table of Contents
  • Planning and Organisation of A.I. Centre
  • Selection, Care, Training and Maintenance of Breeding Bulls for A.I.
  • Andrological Investigations for Breeding Soundness of Bulls
  • Castration in Different Species and Preparation of Teaser Bulls
  • Care, Sterilization, Storage and Upkeep of Equipments Used for Artificial Insemination
  • Preparation of A.V. and Collection of Semen
  • Evaluation of Semen (Macroscopic/Physical, Microscopic, Biochemical and Biological Tests)
  • Preparation of Extender and Extension of Semen
  • Preservation Techniques at Different Temperatures, Freezing of Semen
  • Insemination Techniques for Chilled and Frozen Semen
  • Recording Systems
  • Handling and Shipment of Frozen Semen and LN2 Containers at Field Level

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