The Racehorse A Veterinary Manual 2nd Edition


The Racehorse A Veterinary Manual 2nd Edition

The Racehorse: A Veterinary Manual 2Nd Edition

By Pieter H.L Ramzan

The Racehorse A Veterinary Manual PDF has become the definitive text for primary care of the Thoroughbred racehorse. Written by one of the worldโ€™s leading racehorse veterinary clinicians, it sets out best practice standards of diagnosis and management of all the major conditions likely to be encountered in racehorse clinical practice, as well as comprehensively reviewing subjects as diverse as pre-purchase assessment and exercise physiology. This second edition has been thoroughly updated and introduces new chapters on a range of topics including injury risk assessment and electrolyte and fluid therapy, expanded sections on nutrition, rehabilitation and sales radiography as well as an array of new images and ready reference charts.

The Racehorse: A Veterinary Manualย remains an invaluable resource for both clinicians and non-veterinarians in the racing industry.

Table of Contents

The Racehorse A Veterinary Manual 2nd Edition Table of Contents

PART 1 Musculoskeletal injuries: basic principles

CH 1 Musculoskeletal tissues

CH 2 Exercise physiology and training

CH 3 Racehorse injuries

CH 4 Acute care and wound management

CH 5 Rehabilitation and tissue repair

PART 2 Regional musculoskeletal conditions

CH 6 Appendicular conditions

CH 7 Axial and miscellaneous conditions

PART 3 Other body systems

CH 8 Upper respiratory tract

CH 9 Lower respiratory tract

CH 10 Cardiovascular conditions

CH 11 The head

CH 12 Gastrointestinal conditions

CH 13 Urogenital conditions

CH 14 Neurological conditions

CH 15 Skin conditions

CH 16 Miscellaneous conditions

CH 17 Infectious diseases

PART 4 Managementย of the racehorse: Population and individual health

CH 18 Selection of the racehorse

CH 19 Injury prevention and screening

CH 20 Poor performance

CH 21 Herd health

CH 22 Nutrition

CH 23 Fluids and electrolytes

CH 24 Blood analysis

CH 25 Transport


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