The Horse in Motion: The Anatomy and Physiology of Equine Locomotion

By Sarah Pilliner, Samantha Elmhurst , Zoe Davies
The Horse in Motion: The Anatomy and Physiology of Equine Locomotionย PDF. We all want our horses to be able to perform to the best of their ability and we know that an effective training regime has many facets. The horse must be worked correctly, fed a balanced ration, mentally and physically healthy and well looked after. This book examines a further aspect of the horseโs performance: it is designed to help all horse owners and riders to understand how a horse moves and how its anatomy helps, or hinders, the horseโs athletic ability.
First, the book uses sequences of photographs and detailed anatomical drawings to show the systems of support and movement at each phase of each of the horseโs gaits. The walk, trot, canter, gallop and jump are all examined, and the effect of the rider on the horse evaluated so that the rider can take appropriate action to avoid hindering the horse. Tips are provided throughout on ways in which the horseโs life can be made easier, such as saddle fitting, warming up and cooling down procedures.
Part I: Anatomy and conformation
The head and neck
The chest and ribs
The forelimbs
The abdomen
The hind limbs
The back
Part II: Movement
Lateral movements
Rein back
Part III: Lameness and injuries
Sites of common lameness
Identification of the lame limb
Common lamenesses
Appendices: The points of the horse
The skeleton
Superficial muscles
Deep muscles
The stay apparatus
The tendons and ligaments
The circulation
The nervous system