The Business Side of Veterinary Medicine, What Veterinary Schools Don’t Teach You


The Business Side of Veterinary Medicine, What Veterinary Schools Don’t Teach You

The Business Side Of Veterinary Medicine Pdf

Edited By M. Duffy Jones and Thomas S. Harbin

The Business Side of Veterinary Medicine Book. What Veterinary Schools Don’t Teach You. So you’re a practicing veterinarian, with a mind filled with the science of veterinary medicine. But there’s a business side to veterinary medicine you were not taught in school, and it is relevant at every stage of your career.

Just starting out? This book is essential to transitioning from your training to “the real world.” It offers practical advice on crossing that bridge, including key ways to establish good citizenship in your new environment and guidance for building your own practice. Do you know how to manage and plan your finances and think about the future? Have you chosen the right practice model for you and your family? This book will help you answer these and other questions and establish good habits that will benefit your entire career.

But this is by no means a “newbie manual.” It gives a masters-level education on the business side of things that affect every practicing vet, new blood and veteran alike: accounting and corporate finance, business law, operations management, business communication, organizational behavior, strategy, and much more. Not to mention guidance on career longevity, planning for retirement, and increasing your net worth. This book truly is a business manual for your entire career in veterinary medicine.

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About the author

Dr. Duffy Jones received his DVM from Tufts in 1999 and has practiced veterinary medicine in Atlanta, Georgia, since 2000. In 2005 he founded the Peachtree Hills Animal Hospital there. He has had numerous leadership positions in veterinary organizations and has spoken and taught widely.
Dr. Tom Harbin, MD, MBA received his MD from Cornell Medical and trained in ophthalmology at the Wilmer Institute of Johns Hopkins. He practiced in Atlanta with a specialty in glaucoma for forty-two years and retired in 2018. His first book, Waking up Blind: Lawsuits Over Eye Surgery, was published to wide acclaim. Among many named lectures, Dr. Harbin delivered the Claire and Allan Jensen Lecture in Professionalism and Ethics in 2017. His other titles include The Business Side of Medicine: What Medical Schools Don’t Teach You and Practical Ethics in Ophthalmology.

Table of Contents



Chapter 1: Entering the Real World

Chapter 2:Negotiating the Contract

Chapter 3: Building a Practice


Chapter 4: Business Communication

Chapter 5: Organizational Behavior

Chapter 6: Marketing

Chapter 7: Economics

Chapter 8: Accounting

Chapter 9: Business Law

Chapter 10: Operations Management

Chapter 11: Corporate Finance

Chapter12: Ethics


Chapter 13: Issues in the Early Years

Chapter 14: Are You Headed in the Right Direction?

Chapter 15: Group Leadership

Chapter 16: Transition to Retirement

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