Small Animal Toxicology Essentials


Small Animal Toxicology Essentials

Small Animal Toxicology Essentials Pdf

By Robert H. Poppenga and Sharon M. Gwaltney-Brant

Small Animal Toxicology Essentials PDF focuses on the most common poisons encountered by companion animals. From prevention to evaluation, monitoring, and treatment, the book is a guide for veterinary technicians to differentiate between significant and insignificant exposures and effectively manage animal poisonings.Emphasizing clinical signs, differential diagnoses, and case management, the book begins with the principles of veterinary toxicology, such as terminology, history-taking, and decontamination. The second half of the book is devoted to specific toxicants, including plants, metals, drugs, and household poisons. Small Animal Toxicology Essentials is a useful resource for veterinary technicians, especially those with a interest in emergency and critical care, and veterinary technician students, as well as practicing veterinarians looking for an introduction to toxicology.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Fundamentals of Veterinary Clinical Toxicology.

1 General Toxicologic Principles (Sharon Gwaltney-Brant and Robert H. Poppenga).

2 Incidence of Poisoning in Small Animals (Sharon Gwaltney-Brant).

3 Toxicology Information Resources (Sharon Gwaltney-Brant).

4 Taking a Toxicologic History (Carrie Lohmeyer).

5 Essential Calculations (Camille DeClementi).

6 Initial Management of Acute Intoxications (Elisa Petrollini-Rogers and Bridget McNally).

7 Decontamination Procedures (Lisa Murphy).

8 Antidotes (Tina Wismer).

9 Investigating Fatal Suspected Poisonings (Safdar A. Khan).

10 Toxicologic Testing and Using Diagnostic Laboratories (Lisa Murphy).

Section 2: A Systems-Affected Approach to Toxicology.

11 Nervous System (Tina Wismer).

12 Cardiovascular System (Karla R. Smith).

13 Pulmonary System (John A. Pickrell, Kiran Dhakal, and Sharon Gwaltney-Brant).

14 Hepatobiliary System (Sharon Gwaltney-Brant).

15 Urinary System (Erin Freed).

16 Other Systems (Sharon Gwaltney-Brant).

Section 3: Specific Toxicants.

17 Rodenticides (Eric Dunayer).

18 Insecticides (Petra A. Volmer).

19 Other Pesticides (Robert H. Poppenga).

20 Plants (Joanna Delaporte and Charlotte Means).

21 Dietary Supplements and Herbs (Charlotte Means).

22 Zootoxins (Tamara Foss).

23 Mycotoxins and Mushrooms (Joyce Eisold and Michelle Mostrom).

24 Food-Associated Intoxications (Mindy Bough).

25 Drugs of Abuse (Sharon Gwaltney-Brant).

26 OTC Drugs (Mary M. Schell and Sharon Gwaltney-Brant).

27 Prescription Drugs (Sharon Gwaltney-Brant).

28 Household and Industrial Toxicants (Rhian Cope).

29 Metals and Minerals (Robert H. Poppenga).

30 Miscellaneous Toxicants (Michelle Mostrom).


Appendix 1: Drugs Used in Toxicology (Sharon Gwaltney-Brant).

Appendix 2: Additional Toxic Plants and Associated System-Based Effects (Joanna Delaporte and Charlotte Means).

Appendix 3: Plants Not Reported to Be Toxic (Joanna Delaporte and Charlotte Means).


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