Once Bitten, the Adventures and Misadventures of a Young Veterinary Surgeon


Once Bitten, the Adventures and Misadventures of a Young Veterinary Surgeon

Once Bitten, The Adventures And Misadventures Of A Young Veterinary Surgeon Pdf

By Nick Marsh

Once Bitten, the Adventures and Misadventures of a Young Veterinary Surgeon PDF. When Alan Reece qualified as a veterinary surgeon at the dawn of the new millennium, he had a plan: save the world, one animal at a time.Of course, no plan survives contact with the enemy, and Alan soon discovers he has far more enemies than he was expecting โ€“ aside from vicious pets, difficult owners, surly farmers, and children from hell, he finds himself working with an unhinged and jealous surgeon who makes it his personal mission ruin Alanโ€™s life. Battling long hours, life and death decisions, tragic cases, a complaint from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and an unexpected love triangle, Alanโ€™s hopes of saving the world are quickly replaced with a simple question:Can he even last a year in practice? Once Bittenโ€ฆ is the story of a young vetโ€™s first few months in practice, and how they changed his life forever.

Read more: Master the Veterinary Technician Exam (VTNE)

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