Climate Change Impact on Livestock: Adaptation and Mitigation


Climate Change Impact on Livestock: Adaptation and Mitigation

Climate Change Impact On Livestock Adaptation And Mitigation

By Veerasamy Sejian, John Gaughan, Lance Baumgard and Cadaba Prasad

Climate Change Impact on Livestock: Adaptation and Mitigation PDF. This volume addresses in detail both livestockโ€™s role in climate change and the impacts of climate change on livestock production and reproduction. Apart from these cardinal principles of climate change and livestock production, this volume also examines the various strategies used to mitigate livestock-related GHG emissions, and those which can reduce the impacts of climate change on livestock production and reproduction. Presenting information and case studies collected and analyzed by professionals working in diversified ecological zones, the book explores the influence of climate change on livestock production across the globe. The most significant feature of this book is that it addresses in detail the different adaptation strategies and identifies targets for different stakeholders in connection with climate change and livestock production. Further, it puts forward development plans that will allow the livestock industries to cope with current climate changes and strategies that will mitigate the effects by 2025. Lastly, it provides researchers and policymakers several researchable priorities to help develop economically viable solutions for livestock production with less GHG emissions, promoting a cleaner environment in which human beings and livestock can live in harmony without adverse effects on productivity.

Given that livestock production systems are sensitive to climate change and at the same are themselves a contributor to the phenomenon, climate change has the potential to pose an increasingly formidable challenge to the development of the livestock sector. However, there is a dearth of scientific information on adapting livestock production to the changing climate; as such, well-founded reference material on sustaining livestock production systems under the changing climate scenarios in different agro-ecological zones of the world is essential. By methodically and extensively addressing all aspects of climate change and livestock production, this volume offers a valuable tool for understanding the hidden intricacies of climatic stress and its influence on livestock production.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Concepts of Climate Change Impact on Livestock and Its Adaptation and Mitigation

Green House Gas Emission and Climate Change

Greenhouse Gas, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration: Overview and General Principles

Contribution of Agriculture Sector to Climate Change

Climate Change Impact on Livestock

Impact of Climate Change on Livestock Production and Reproduction

Thermal Stress Alters Postabsorptive Metabolism During Pre- and Postnatal Development

Climate Change and Water Availability for Livestock: Impact on Both Quality and Quantity

Impact of Climate Change on Forage Availability for Livestock

Impact of Climate Change on Livestock Disease Occurrences

Adaptive Mechanisms of Livestock to Changing Climate

Livestock Role in Climate Change

Global Warming: Role of Livestock

Methane Emission from Enteric Fermentation: Methanogenesis and Fermentation

Enteric Methane Emission Under Different Feeding Systems

Estimation Methodologies for Enteric Methane Emission in Ruminants

Metagenomic Approaches in Understanding the Rumen Function and Establishing the Rumen Microbial Diversity

Opportunities and Challenges for Carbon Trading from Livestock Sector

Methane Mitigation Strategies in Livestock

Manipulation of Rumen Microbial Ecosystem for Reducing Enteric Methane Emission in Livestock

Reducing Enteric Methane Emission Using Plant Secondary Metabolites

Ration Balancing: A Practical Approach for Reducing Methanogenesis in Tropical Feeding Systems

Alternate H2 Sinks for Reducing Rumen Methanogenesis

GHG Emission from Livestock Manure and Its Mitigation Strategies

Modelling of GHGs in Livestock Farms and Its Significance

Adaptation Strategies to Improve Livestock Production Under Changing Climate

Overview on Adaptation, Mitigation and Amelioration Strategies to Improve Livestock Production Under the Changing Climatic Scenario

Shelter Design for Different Livestock from a Climate Change Perspective

Strategies to Improve Livestock Reproduction Under the Changing Climate Scenario

Strategies to Improve Livestock Genetic Resources to Counter Climate Change Impact

Research and Development Priorities

Climate Change Impact on Livestock Sector: Visioning 2025

Conclusions and Researchable Priorities

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