Clinical Small Animal Care: Promoting Patient Health through Preventative Nursing


Clinical Small Animal Care: Promoting Patient Health through Preventative Nursing

Clinical Small Animal Care: Promoting Patient Health Through Preventative Nursing Pdf

By Kimm Wuestenberg

Clinical Small Animal Care: Promoting Patient Health through Preventative Nursing PDF is an introduction to the principles of day-to-day veterinary practice, with coverage ranging from the initial assessment, fluid therapy monitoring, and perioperative management to care of animals with specific diseases. The book offers concrete guidance on best practices for promoting patient health in veterinary care, emphasizing specific techniques to prevent complications before they happen. A practical, clinically relevant resource for veterinary technicians, Clinical Small Animal Care provides step-by-step descriptions of the core tasks associated with examining, nursing, and monitoring small animal patients.

Taking a hands-on approach to the fundamentals of clinical practice, the book gives specific advice for how to perform tasks associated with patient care. Chapters begin with basic information on topics such as husbandry and nutrition, then move into more specialized information on applied nursing and the care of tubes and catheters. The final section presents information on caring for animals with a variety of conditions organized by body system. Clinical Small Animal Care: Promoting Patient Health through Preventative Nursing offers veterinary technicians and nurses with achievable steps for improving health in their small animal patients.

  • Provides practical how-to guidance on performing tasks associated with veterinary care
  • Focuses on avoiding complications, ensuring that the treatment doesn’t introduce new health issues
  • Offers step-by-step descriptions of the basic skills required of veterinary technicians and assistants
  • Gives hands-on, clinically relevant information for assessing, treating, and monitoring small animal patients
  • Covers topics ranging from basic hygiene and feeding to perioperative management and hospice care
Table of Contents

Preface vii

Acknowledgments ix

Section 1 Clinical Fundamentals in Promoting Good Health 3

1 The Elements of Environmental Husbandry 5

2 Considerations in Patient Management 11

3 Patient Exam and Assessments 27

4 Nutritional Notability 43

Section 2 Applied Nursing of the Veterinary Patient 49

5 Monitoring the Fluid Therapy Patient 51

6 Physical Therapy Applications 61

7 Perioperative Patient Management 67

8 Executing Emergency Care 75

9 Harmonizing Hospice Needs 89

Section 3 Proper Care of Tubes and Catheters 95

10 Venous and Arterial Catheter Care 97

11 Indwelling Urinary Catheter Care and Maintenance 107

12 Feeding Tube Care 115

13 Nasal Oxygen Catheter Care 123

14 Tracheostomy Tube Care 125

15 Chest Tube Care 129

Section 4 Comprehensive Areas of Focus 131

16 Cardiovascular Nursing 133

17 Regard for the Respiratory Patient 145

18 Grasping Gastrointestinal Nursing Care 161

19 Rendering Renal Care 175

20 Endocrine Nursing Encounters 185

21 Nursing Care of the Neurological Patient 191

22 Musculoskeletal Minding 201

23 Tending to the Skin and Special Senses 215

Appendix 1 Formulas 231

Appendix 2 Anatomy Illustrations 239

Appendix 3 Clinical Quick Reference Guides 245

Appendix 4 General Forms 255

Appendix 5 Employee Skill and Knowledge Advancement Plans 263

Index 271

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