BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Ultrasonography


BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Ultrasonography

Bsava Manual Of Canine And Feline Ultrasonography

By Frances J. Barr and Lorrie Gaschen

BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Ultrasonography PDF provides an overview of the physical principles of ultrasonography and discusses the equipment required as well as the general principles of the ultrasound examination. It then moves on to discuss body systems in individual chapters, with each chapter following a similar format:

โ€ข Indications
โ€ข Comparison of ultrasonography with radiography and CT
โ€ข Imaging technique
โ€ข Normal ultrasonographic appearance
โ€ข Interpretation of disease.

The Manual is extensively illustrated with images of both normal anatomy and the abnormalities associated with disease. In addition, as the moving image is such a vital part of interpreting ultrasound studies, a DVD-ROM featuring video clips relevant to the individual chapters accompanies this Manual.

Table of Contents

List of contributors vii
Foreword ix
Preface x
1 Physical principles 1
Daniela Gorgas
2 Equipment 15
Patrick R. Kircher
3 Principles of the ultrasound examination 21
Stefanie Ohlerth
4 Interventional procedures 24
Robert M. Kirberger and Nerissa Stander
5 Thorax 29
Gabriela Seiler
6 Heart 37
Romain Pariaut
7 Abdomen 72
Jennifer Kinns
8 Liver 85
Nathalie Rademacher
9 Spleen 100
Paul Mahoney
10 Kidneys and proximal ureters 110
John P. Graham
11 Stomach, small and large intestines 124
Lorrie Gaschen and Daniel Rodriguez
12 Pancreas 140
Silke Hecht and Matt Baron
13 Adrenal glands 147
Livia Benigni
14 Bladder and urethra 155
Esther Barrett
15 Prostate gland 165

16 Uterus 172
Frances Barr
17 Ovaries and testes 177
Gawain Hammond
18 Eyes 183
Susanne A.E.B. Boroffka
19 Thyroid and parathyroid glands 193
Olivier Taeymans
20 Musculoskeletal structures 198
Martin Kramer
21 Superficial soft tissues 207
Federica Rossi
Index 215

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