Bovine Genomics


Bovine Genomics PDF

Bovine Genomics Pdf

By James Womack

Bovine Genomics Book PDF. The genetic information being unlocked by advances in genomics and high throughput technologies is rapidly revolutionizing our understanding of developmental processes in bovine species. This information is allowing researchers unprecedented insight into the genetic basis of key traits. Bovine Genomics is the first book to bring together and synthesize the information learned through the bovine genome sequencing project and look at its practical application to cattle and dairy production. Bovine Genomics opens with foundational chapters on the domestication of cattle and traditional Mendelian genetics. Building on these chapters, coverage rapidly moves to quantitative genetics and the advances of whole genome technologies. Significant coverage is given to such topics as epigenetics, mapping quantitative trail loci, genome-wide association studies and genomic selection in cattle breeding. The book is a valuable synthesis of the field written by a global team of leading researchers. Providing wide-ranging coverage of the topic, Bovine Genomic, is an essential guide to the field. The basic and applied science will be of use to researchers, breeders, and advanced students.

Read more: Genomic Management of Animal Genetic Diversity

Table of Contents

List of Contributors

ForewordChapter 1. The Origins of Cattle
Matthew D. Teasdale and Daniel G. Bradley

Chapter 2. Mendelian Inheritance in Cattle
Frank Nicholas

Chapter 3. Genetics of Coat Color in Cattle
Sheila M. Schmutz

Chapter 4. From Quantitative Genetics to Quantitative Genomics: A Personal Odyssey
Morris Soller

Chapter 5. Cartography of the Bovine Genome
James E. Womack

Chapter 6. History of Linkage Mapping the Bovine Genome
Stephanie D. McKay and Robert D. Schnabel

Chapter 7. Bovine X and Y Chromosomes
F. Abel Ponce de Leยดon and Wansheng Liu

Chapter 8. Cattle Comparative Genomics and Chromosomal Evolution
Denis M. Larkin

Chapter 9. Sequencing the Bovine Genome
Kim Worley and Richard Gibbs

Chapter 10. Bovine Genome Architecture
David L. Adelson

Chapter 11. Bovine Epigenetics and Epigenomics
Xiuchun (Cindy) Tian

Chapter 12. Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci
Joel I. Weller

Chapter 13. Genome-Wide Association Studies and Linkage Disequilibrium in Cattle
M. E. Goddard and B. J. Hayes

Chapter 14. Genomic Selection in Beef Cattle
Jeremy F. Taylor, Stephanie D. McKay, Megan M. Rolf, Holly R. Ramey, Jared E. Decker, and Robert D. Schnabel

Chapter 15. Impact of High-Throughput Genotyping and Sequencing on the Identification of Genes and Variants Underlying Phenotypic Variation in Domestic Cattle
Michel Georges


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