Avian Nutrition: Poultry, Ratite and Tamed Birds


Avian Nutrition: Poultry, Ratite and Tamed Birds

Avian Nutrition Poultry Ratite And Tamed Birds

By Nityanand Pathak

Avian Nutrition: Poultry, Ratite and Tamed Birds PDF. The scope of book has relevant and important informations on some of the popular tamed birds reared as pet in cages. Among these Parrots and Mayana are companion species capable of learning and limited conversation with members of the house. Bulbul, partridges and pigeon are used for sports. Owners of these birds expect guidance for care and management from the experts of poultry science because so far there appears to be no school on the management of such avian species.
Incorporation of these avian species in the book is expected to enrich the knowledge of students and teachers of the Avian and Poultry Science.

Table of Contents

1ย  Introduction

2 Feeds of Poultry

3 Nutrients

4 Function of Nutrients

5 Feed Additives

6 Anti-nutritional Factors in Poultry Feed Ingredients

7 Harmful and Toxic Fungi in Foods (Mycotoxicosis and Mycoses)

8 Physical Quality Assay of Feeds

9 The Digestive System, Digestion, Absorption and Metabolism

10 Poultry Feed Processing Technology

11 Feed Formulation for Poultry

12 The Ratites (Flightless Birds)

13 Eggs and Meat for Food

14 Red Jungle Fowl

15 Domestic Fowl (Gallus domesticus)

16 Pea Fowl (Pavo spp)

17 Jananese Quail (Coturnix cotunix)

18 Partridges

19 Turkey (Meliagridis sp)

20 Parrots

21 Pigeon (Columba livea)

22 Bulbul (Pycnonotus)

23 Mayana/Mynah/Myna (Strunidae birds)

24 Saras Crane (The grus)

25 Swan (Cygnus spp)

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