Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics 8th Edition


Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics 8th Edition

Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction And Obstetrics 8Th EditionBy Geoffrey H.Arthur , David E. Noakes , Timothy J. Parkinson, Gary C. W. England

Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics PDF Is One of The Best Veterinary Books Online. It covers all aspects of reproduction and obstetrics in all common domestic species, as well as several less common species. the only book to cover the full range of domestic animals and now also includes less common species such as llamas and alpacas. Several more common, frequently encountered small animal species such as guinea pigs and rabbits are discussed for the first time in this edition.

Table of Contents





1- Endogenous and exogenous control of ovarian cyclicity

2- Development of the conceptus

3- Pregnancy and its diagnosis

4- Abnormal development of the conceptus and its consequences

5- Prolapse of the vagina and cervix

6- Parturition and the care of parturient animals

7- The puerperium and the care of the newborn

8- General considerations

9- The approach to an obstetric case

10- Maternal dystocia: causes and treatment

11- Fetal dystocia: aetiology and incidence

12- Manipulative delivery per vaginam: farm animals and horses

13- Vaginal manipulations and delivery in the bitch and queen cat

14- Dystocia due to fetomaternal disproportion: treatment

15- Dystocia due to postural defects: treatment

16- Dystocia due to defects of position or presentation: treatment

17- Dystocia due to twins or monstrosities

18- Injuries and diseases incidental to parturition

19- Postparturient prolapse of the uterus

20- surgical preparation of teaser

21- Genital surgery in the bitch and queen cat

22- Genital surgery in the bitch and queen cat

23- Specific infectious diseases causing infertility in cattle

24- Veterinary control of herd fertility

25- Infertility in the ewe and doe (female goat)

26- Infertility in the mare

27- Infertility in the sow and gilt

28- Infertility in the bitch and queen

29- Normal reproduction in male animals

30- Fertility and infertility in male animals

31- Artificial insemination

32- Reproduction in the camel

33- Reproduction in the buffalo

34- Normal reproduction, and reproductive diseases and infertility in rabbits and rodents

35- Embryo transfer in large domestic animals



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