Amino Acids Chemistry, Biology and Medicine


Amino Acids Chemistry, Biology And Medicine Book

By G. Lubec and Gerald A. Rosenthal

Amino Acids Chemistry, Biology and Medicine PDF Book. There is little wonder in the fact that the investigation of amino acids is of fundamental interest to scientists from so many diversified fields. If amino acids were only basic constituents of enzymes as well as structural and other proteins, this property alone would elevate them to real scientific importance. Added to this role, however, is their ability to serve as building blocks for the production of many classes of secondary metabolites. They can support the biosynthesis of a myriad of natural products including nonprotein amino acids, cyanogenic glycosides, pharยญ macologically active alkaloids, certain phenols, purines and pyrimidines, nucleic acids, condensed tannins, lignins and other metabolites. The approximately twenty or so amino (and imino) acids that comprise proteins are well known; less familiar are what is now approaching 600 nonprotein amino acids that have been isolated and characterized from plant, fungal or animal sources. Investigations of the protein amino acids have proven of outstanding value in enhancing our understanding of a variety of physiological and neurological topics that affect human health and well being. Amino acids are used to probe inhibitory and excitatory transmission receptors in the brain. They contribute to our understanding of epilepsy, development of anti-epileptic drugs, production of novel y-arninobutyric acid uptake inhibitors, and acute and chronic neurodegeneraยญ tive disorders.

About Author

About Author

Gert Lubec
Department of Pediatrics
University of Vienna
A-1090 Vienna, Austria
with an introduction by

Gerald A. Rosenthal
T.H. Morgan School of Biological Sciences and
The Graduate Center for Toxicology
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0225, USA

Table of Contents

Amino Acids Chemistry, Biology and Medicine Table of Contents

  1. Adenosine transport in nervous system tissues
  2. Adenosine production and metabolism
  3. ATP receptors and their physiological roles
  4. Adenosine receptor subtypes: classification and distribution
  5. The adenosine receptor molecule
  6. Post-receptor mechanisms
  7. Adenosine receptor agonists and antagonists
  8. Release of adenosine and ATP from nervous tissue
  9. Electropharmacology of adenosine
  10. Potential therapeutic roles for adenosine in neurologic disease
  11. Adenosine and the central nervous system control of autonomic function
  12. Purine metabolism disorders and neurological dysfunction

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