Wound Care Management for the Equine Practitioner


Wound Care Management for the Equine Practitioner

Wound Care Management For The Equine Practitioner Pdf

By Dean A. Hendrickson

Wound Care Management for the Equine Practitioner PDF. Wound Care Management assists with general wound care in horses. It includes basic wound cleaning and preparation, important anatomical considerations, moist healing concepts, dressing choices, and specific wounds by body region. Along with detailed sections about wound closure techniques using bandaging and skin grafting there is in-depth discussion of appropriate wound dressing used for cleaning, debridement, packing, absorption, compression, support, and protection. The book emphases important anatomical considerations by body regions in a highly visual format (70 color photos, 100 figures).

Published by Teton New Media in the USA and distributed by CRC Press outside of North America.

Read more: Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery 3rd Edition

Table of Contents

Section1ย Wound Care Dressings
Some Helpful Hints
Dressings used for Cleaning and Prepping
Dressings Used for Debridement
Dressings Used for Packing
Dressings Used for Absorption
Dressings Used for Compression
Dressings Used for Support
Dressings Used for Protection
Dressings Used for Moisture
Methods of Dressing Application
Splint Application
Emergency Transport
Section2ย Wound Preparation,
Cleaning, and Debridement
Wound Preparation
Wound Infection
Wound Cleaning Agents
Antiseptic Agents
Povidone Iodine
Hydrogen Peroxide
Acetic Acid (Vinegar)
Dakinโ€™s Solution
Topical Antibiotics
Triple Antibiotic
Surfactant Based Agents
Wound Debridement
Mechanical Methods
Sharp Debridement
Physical Debridement
Chemical Debridement
Hypertonic Saline Dressings
Natural Methods
Autolytic Debridement
Enzymatic Debridement
Section3ย Wound Exploration
Head Wounds
Neck and Back Wounds
Chest Wounds
Abdominal Wounds
Leg Wounds
Important Anatomical Considerations
Foreign Body Detection
Plain Radiology
Contrast Radiography
Computed Tomography and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
Section4ย Primary Wound Closure
Appropriate Wounds for Primary Closure
Closure Techniques for Primary Wound Closure
Suture Closure
Needle Type
Absorbable versus Non-Absorbable
Monofilament versus Multifilament
Suture Patterns
Simple Interrupted
Simple Continuous
Tension Relieving
Vertical Mattress
Horizontal Mattress
Knot Types
Staple Closure
Suture/Staple Removal
Tissue Adhesive Closure
Other Tension Relieving Techniques
Wound Protection and Immobilization
Section5ย Delayed Primary Wound
Appropriate Wounds
Intermediate Wound Care
Preparation for Closure
Section6ย Second Intention Wound
Moist Wound Healing Concepts
Dressing Choices
Hypertonic Saline Dressings
Antimicrobial Dressings
Hydragel Dressings
Calcium Alginate Dressings
Topical Dressings: Collagens, Maltodextrans
Replacement Tissue Dressings
Growth Factors
Semi-Occlusive Dressings
Caustic Agents
Excess Granulation Tissue
Non-Healing Wounds
Section7ย Skin Grafting
Immediate Wound Care
Bed Preparation
Types of Grafts
Healing Stages of Grafts
Skin Graft Types
Grafting Techniques
Skin Graft Donor Sites
Animal Positioning, Anesthesia, and Sedation
Pinch Grafting
Punch Grafting
Tunnel Grafting
Mesh Grafting
Pedicle Grafting
Grafting Aftercare
Dressing Choices
Frequency of Dressing Changes
Wound Immobilization
Reasons for Graft Failure
Inappropriate Type of Graft
Inadequate Graft Preparation
Inadequate Recipient Bed Preparation
Separation of Graft from Wound Bed
Graft Movement
Section8ย Specific Wound
Heel Bulb Lacerations/Hoof Wall Avulsions
Lacerations of Synovial Structures
Tendon and/or Ligament Lacerations
Chest Lacerations
Abdominal Wall Lacerations
Head Lacerations
Lacerations to the Axillary Region

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