When Your Rabbit Needs Special Care: Traditional and Alternative Healing Methods

When Your Rabbit Needs Special Care: Traditional and Alternative Healing Methods

By Lucile C Moore and Kathy Smith

When Your Rabbit Needs Special Care PDF is an illustrated guide to the care and behavior of rabbits with special needs. The book provides information on topics as diverse as how to administer subcutaneous fluids to a rabbit and how sounds and color help promote healing.

Quotes from top rabbit veterinarians and alternative healing practitioners from across the country are included, as are useful tips from rabbit owners who have had experience in dealing with particular medical conditions. The text is illustrated with both photographs and drawings, making it easy for readers to follow.

Authors Lucile C. Moore and Kathy Smith provide pet owners with special-needs rabbits with information on basic care, pain control, digestive system problems, chronic illnesses, physically challenged rabbits, progressive disabilities causing mobility problems, dental care, elderbuns, and emotional issues.

Table of Contents

An Introduction to Special Needs and Special Care

Part I: Traditional Healing Methods

Chapter 1: Basic Care I

Chapter 2: Basic Care II

Chapter 3: Digestive Ailments

Chapter 4: Infections and Infestations

Chapter 5: Sprains, Dislocations, Fractures, and Pododermatitis

Chapter 6: Coping with Paresis and Paralysis in Your Rabbit

Chapter 7: Dental Disorders

Chapter 8: Other Illnesses and Conditions Requiring Special Care

Chapter 9: Elderbuns

Chapter 10: Triage for Large-Scale Rescues

Part II: Alternative Healing Methods.

Chapter 11: An Introduction to Alternative Treatments

Chapter 12: Interspecies Communication

Chapter 13: Energy Medicine

Chapter 14: Acupuncture and Chiropractic

Chapter 15: Healing Through Touch

Chapter 16: Alternative Systemic Treatments

Epilogue: Death and Recovery from Grief

Appendix I: Tables of Selected Medications Used to Treat Rabbits

Appendix II: Rabbit Vital Signs

Appendix III: Traditional Resources

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