Veterinary Disaster Response


Veterinary Disaster Response

Veterinary Disaster Response Pdf

By Wayne E. Wingfield, Sally B. Palmer

Veterinary Disaster Response PDF is the essential guide to disaster training, preparation, planning, and recovery. The book takes a question-and-answer format to promote understanding and outline the steps for veterinary response to natural and man-made disasters. Veterinary Disaster Response is a must-have reference for anyone involved in disaster medicine, including veterinarians, veterinary technicians, veterinary students, animal control and shelter personnel, search and rescue personnel, and emergency response teams.

  • Essential guide to disaster training, preparation, planning, and recovery
  • Outlines procedures for veterinary response to natural and man-made disasters
  • Presented in question-and-answer format for ease of use
  • Combines science with clinical and practical applications
  • Covers disaster management in the field and at the practice, city, state, and national level
Table of Contents

Contributors ix

Introduction xiii

Section 1 Training 3

1.1 An Introduction to the Incident Command System 5
Lori A. Swenson, BSME, EMT-Pย 

1.2 Leadership during a Disaster 15
Eugene A. Adkins, DVMย 

1.3 Communications 21
Lori A. Swenson, BSME, EMT-Pย 

1.4 Basic Map, Compass, and Global Positioning System Skills 31
Sally B. Palmer, DVMย 

1.5 Records and Animal Identification 73
Lori A. Swenson, BSME, EMT-Pย 

1.6 Veterinary Risk Assessment of the Disaster Site 85
Wayne E. Wingfield, MS, DVMย 

1.7 Risk Communication and Dealing with the Media 93
Wayne E. Wingfield, MS, DVMย 

1.8 Biosecurity Fundamentals for Animal Response Personnel in a Farm/Livestock Disaster 101
Wayne E. Wingfi eld, MS, DVM, and Anthony P. Knight, BVSc, MSย 

1.9 Veterinary Triage 111
Wayne E. Wingfi eld, MS, DVMย 

1.10 Introduction to Weapons of Mass Destruction 123
Jerry J. Upp, DVMย 

1.11 Zoonoses and Zoonotic Diseases 135
Sherrie L. Nash, MS, DVM, Sally B. Palmer, DVM, and Wayne E. Wingfi eld, MS, DVMย 

1.12 Public Health 197
William R. Ray, BSย 

1.13 Hazardous Materials 205
Lori A. Swenson, BSME, EMT-Pย 

1.14 Personal Protective Equipment 215
Thomas F. Pedigo, MSc, PA-Cย 

1.15 Basic Veterinary Decontamination: Who, What, Why? 231
Lisa A. Murphy, VMDย 

1.16 Wildlife Handling 239
Sally B. Palmer, DVMย 

1.17 Domestic Animal Handling 257
Sally B. Palmer, DVMย 

1.18 Small Animal First Aid 279
Wayne E. Wingfi eld, MS, DVMย 

1.19 Large Animal First Aid 301
Sally B. Palmer, DVMย 

1.20 Equine Emergency Sheltering 325
Rebecca S. McConnico, DVM, PhDย 

1.21 Companion Animal Sheltering 335
Renรฉe A. Poirrier, DVMย 

1.22 Disinfection of Avian, Large, and Small Animal Facilities 343
David C. Van Metre, DVM, and Paul S. Morley, DVM, PhDย 

1.23 Pain Management in Veterinary Disaster Medicine 359
Marc R. Raffe, DVM, MSย 

1.24 Humane Euthanasia of Animals 367
Wayne E. Wingfi eld, MS, DVMย 

1.25 Carcass Disposal following a Veterinary Disaster 391
Ryan Gordon Leon Murphy, MS, and Anthony P. Knight, BVSc, MSย 

Section 2 Planning 405

2.1 Elements of a Disaster Plan for Animals 407
Anthony P. Knight, BVSc, MSย 

2.2 Disaster Planning for Private Practice 413
Dirk B. Yelinek, DVMย 

2.3 Community Animal Emergency Planning 425
Kevin M. Dennison, DVMย 

2.4 State Response to Veterinary Disasters 435
Terry K. Paik, DVMย 

2.5 State Animal and Agricultural Emergency Programs (Including State Animal Response Team [SART] Programs and State Veterinary Medical Reserve Corps [VMRC]) 447
Kevin M. Dennison, DVMย 

2.6 Federal Response to Veterinary Disasters 457
Lorna L. Lanman, DVMย 

2.7 Military Role in Veterinary Disaster Response 473
Gary L. Stamp, DVM, MSย 

Section 3 Preparation 479

3.1 Family versus Business during a Disaster 481
Joan C. Caseyย 

3.2 Preparing Your Practice for an Impending Disaster 487
Gregory A. Rich, DVMย 

3.3 Preparing the Farm and Animals for a Disaster 495
Wayne E. Wingfi eld, MS, DVMย 

3.4 Noahโ€™s Burden: A Prolegomenon to the Ethics of Veterinary Disaster Response 501
Bernard E. Rollin, PhDย 

Section 4 Recovery 509

4.1 Care for the Caregiver: Psychological and Emotional Factors in Veterinary Disaster Response 511
Dennis Michael Baker, MA, LPC, and P. J. Havice-Cover, MA, LPC, CAC IIIย 

4.2 Disaster Assistance for Homeowners, Renters, and Business Owners 519
Eugene A. Adkins, DVMย 

4.3 American Veterinary Medical Foundation: Disaster Assistance 529
Wayne E. Wingfi eld, MS, DVMย 

Emergency Response Contacts Directory 535

Index 541

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