Ivermectin In Dogs & Cats: Uses, Dosage and Side Effects
- Interacts with GABA and glutamate-gated channels leading to flaccid paralysis of parasites.
Uses of Ivermectin
- Authorized for (Otodectes cynotis) infestation in cats.
- Also used for dogs with generalized demodicosis, sarcoptic acariasis or cheyletiellosis, and cats with cheyletiellosis when approved treatments have failed or cannot be employed.
- The use of this product has generally been superceded by the development of safer, licensed ectoparasiticides.
Dose of Ivermectin in Dogs and Cats
- Generalized demodicosis: 300–600 μg (micrograms)/kg p.o. daily.
- Effective for sarcoptic mange :(200–400 μg/kg p.o., s.c. q2wks for 4–6 weeks).
- Effective for cheyletiellosis: (200–300 μg/kg p.o., s.c.q1–2 weeks for 6–8 weeks).
- Otoacariasis (Otodectes cynotis infestation): apply ear gel weekly for 3 weeks.
- Generalized demodicosis: 300–600 μg (micrograms)/kg p.o. daily.
Drug Dosage Calculator
You Should Give:
Side Effects of Ivermectin in Dogs and Cats
- Neurotoxicity may be seen if it crosses mammalian blood–brain barrier.
Contraindications of Ivermectin in Dogs and Cats
- Administration to collies and related breeds is not recommended.
- Consider multiple drug resistance gene testing in these breeds before use.
- Highly toxic to aquatic organisms.
Some Notes:
- Dose adjustments may be required when administered concurrently with other therapeutic agents transported by P-glycoprotein.
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