The Veterinary Book for Dairy Farmers 4th Edition
By Roger W. Blowey
The Veterinary Book for Dairy Farmers 4th Edition PDF. The ever-changing world of cattle farming requires farmers to be up-to-date with best-practice procedures and the latest advances in husbandry techniques. Now in its 4th edition, Roger Bloweyโs updated version of the acclaimed A Veterinary Book for Dairy Farmers deals with newly emerging problems in cattle farming, as well as covering the necessary knowledge required for maintenance and prosperity. In this practical guide to animal health and husbandry, Blowey highlights developments in established conditions, including lameness, Johnes, BVD, and mastitis. Other updates include the prevention and treatment of emerging diseases, such as Schmallenberg and Blue Tongue, and current issues in farming, such as developments in calf rearing and the increasing incidences of botulism and antimicrobial resistance. This book is a comprehensive and practical text for dairy farmers, stockmen, veterinary academics, and students to navigate this changing field.
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