Small Animal Ophthalmology 4th Edition


Small Animal Ophthalmology 4th Edition

Small Animal Ophthalmology 4Th Edition

By Robert L Peiffer, Jr and Simon M Petersen-Jones

Small Animal Ophthalmology 4th Edition PDF links the clinical features of ocular disease with gross and microscopic pathology to demonstrate the essential features observable during diagnosis. It is designed to be kept next to the microscope as an invaluable guide to accurate diagnosis in ocular pathology.The book presents a wide range of images of the highest quality. A unique and distinctive feature is the juxtaposition of clinical and pathological images while offering detailed enumeration of the diagnostic features. Expert comparative comments by Dr Daniel Albert and contextual information on relative incidence are provided throughout. The authors address spontaneous disease of the eye in all animal species, with a particular emphasis on companion species. In addition, specific, common or interesting conditions of exotic species are included.

About The Author

Robert Peiffer

Senior Investigator, Merck and Co., West Point, PA

Simon Petersen-Jones

Assistant Professor of Comparative Ophthalmology, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Veterinary Medical Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

Table of Contents
Ch 1. Clinical Basic Science

Ch 2. Diagnostics

Ch 3. Therapeutics

Ch 4. Abnormal Appearance

Ch 5. Visual Impairment

Ch 6.Orbital and Ocular Pain

Ch 7. Ocular Discharge

Appendix: Ophthalmic Formulary

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